Specific Task Instructions
You have been given the task of preparing a report recommending ways of making your workplace more sustainable.
Your report must document a range of sustainable work practices that could be implemented to daily work activities at your workplace that will minimise waste of energy and materials, either directly or indirectly.
Your Report must comprise two parts:
- Part 1 will report on practices that could be implemented for minimising the waste of
materials, including water, for example by “reducing/reusing/recycling”. - Part 2 will report on practices that could be implemented for minimising the waste of energy, including electricity and fuel, for example by retrofitting, modifying behaviours or settings, and eliminating waste.
For each section, your report must identify at least two business activities where sustainability could be improved. It must detail the expected benefits and how they could be monitored. It must also detail an implementation plan that includes:
• relevant legislation, regulations, Industry Standards, codes, policies and procedures
• consultation and approval
• WHS requirements
• investment in materials and resources required
• risk management (what could go wrong)
• documentation and reporting.
Using the Audit Checklist
You can use the Energy and Resource Utilisation Audit Checklist attached (Appendix 1) to help you identify possible areas for improvement. From this audit, or from your own observations, identify two environmental risks or resource efficiency issues at your workplace. For Report 1, choose two areas where improvements can be made that will conserve material resources, including water. For Report 2, choose two areas where improvements can be made that will conserve energy. Then use the templates below to outline strategies that need to be put into place for this to happen.
Part 1: Improving Sustainability in Use of Materials and/or Water
Briefly describe your workplace and the kind of activities it engages in. Describe the kind of location where this plan would be implemented, for example, in the workshop, on building sites, in vehicles, at the depot or in the office.
Identify at least two environmental risks and resource efficiency issues at your workplace related to use of materials or water. Describe possible improvements in sustainable use that can be implemented in daily work activities to address them. Your improvements might, for example, involve ways to reduce wastage in materials, improve recycling, or eliminate a potential source of pollution of water, air or landfill.
What social, environmental and/or financial benefits would you expect to see from these improvements? Describe at least two benefits you would expect to see and how they can be monitored.
Are there any legislation, regulation, industry standards, codes of practice, or workplace policies and procedures that apply to these activities?
Who needs to give approval for implementation of these improvements? What is the procedure for getting approval?
Who needs to be notified and consulted to ensure the work is co-ordinated effectively? What is your workplace procedure for doing this?
What WHS hazards need to be considered in implementing these sustainability initiatives?
What needs to be purchased or obtained to implement these sustainability initiatives? For example, do they require new recycling bins, shelves for storage for materials, water saving fixtures, or person hours to sort materials?
What could go wrong with this implementation plan? Identify at least two things that could stop it from being successful, and control measures for them.
Does the outcome of these improvements need to be documented and reported, for example to council, state or federal government or statutory authority, or some incentive scheme? Is it useful for media or business promotion? What is the procedure for doing this?
Part 2: Improving Sustainability in Energy Use
Briefly describe your workplace and the kind of activities it engages in. Describe the kind of location where this plan would be implemented, for example, in the workshop, on building sites, at the depot, in vehicles, or in the office.
Identify at least two environmental risks and resource efficiency issues at your workplace related to energy use. Describe possible improvements in sustainable use, that can be implemented in daily work activities to address them. Your improvements might, for example, involve ways to reduce wasted standby power, improve natural light, heat or cooling, improve efficient use of electricity, reduce travel, or improve fuel efficiency in machinery.
What social, environmental and/or financial benefits would you expect to see from these improvements? Describe at least two benefits you would expect to see and how they can be monitored.
Is there any legislation, regulation, industry standards, codes of practice, or workplace policies and procedures that apply to these activities?
Who needs to give approval for implementation of these improvements? What is the procedure for getting approval?
Who needs to be notified and consulted to ensure the work is co-ordinated effectively? What is the procedure for doing this?
What WHS hazards need to be considered in implementing these sustainability initiatives?
What needs to be purchased or obtained to implement these sustainability initiatives? For example, do they require new fittings or fixtures, blinds or curtains, switches or meters?
What could go wrong with this implementation plan? Identify at least two things that could stop it from being successful, and control measures for them.
Does the outcome of these improvements need to be documented and reported, for example to council, state or federal government or statutory authority, or some incentive scheme? Is it useful for media or business promotion? What is the procedure for doing this?
Part 3: Assessment Checklist
The following checklist will be used by your assessor to mark your performance against the assessment criteria of your submitted/presented project. Use this checklist to understand what skills and/or knowledge you need to demonstrate in your submission/presentation. All the criteria described in the Assessment Checklist must be met. The assessor may ask questions about the submission.
TASK/STEP # Instructions S U/S Assessor Comments
Part 1: Improving Sustainability in Use of Materials and/or Water
1.1 Introduction Location is described.
1.2 Identify Possible Improvements Two environmental risks or resource efficiency issues identified.
Two improvements described. Improvements described are practical to implement and
address the issues
1.3 Expected Benefits At least one benefit for each improvement identified. At least one method of monitoring for
each improvement’s benefits
1.4 Relevant Legislation, Regulations, Policies and
Any relevant legislation, regulation, industry standards, or codes of practice identified.
1.5 Consultation Approval and consultation
processes described.
1.6 WHS Hazards
in Implementation
Any WHS hazards identified.
1.7 Investment in materials, resources and
labour required
Any materials or resources required identified.
1.8 Risk
Management At least two risks identified and
control measures proposed.
Documentation and Reporting Documentation and reporting discussed.
Part 2: Improving Sustainability in Energy Use
2.1 Introduction Location described.
2.2 Identify Possible Improvements Two environmental risks or resource efficiency issues identified.
Two improvements described. Improvements described are practical to implement and
address the issues.
2.3 Expected benefits: At least one benefit for each improvement identified. At least one method of monitoring for
each improvement’s benefits
2.4 Relevant Legislation, Regulations, Policies and
Any relevant legislation, regulation, industry standards, or codes of practice identified
2.5 Consultation Approval and consultation
processes described.
2.6 WHS Hazards
in Implementation
Any WHS hazards identified.
2.7 Investment in materials, resources and
labour required
Any materials or resources required identified.
2.8 Risk
Management At least two risks identified and
control measures proposed.
Documentation and Reporting Documentation and reporting discussed.
Part 4: Assessment Feedback
NOTE: This section must have the assessor signature and student signature to complete the feedback.
Assessment outcome
☐ Satisfactory
☐ Unsatisfactory
Assessor Feedback
☐ Has the Assessment Declaration on page 1 of the assessment been signed and dated by the student?
☐ Are you assured that the evidence presented for assessment is the student’s own work?
☐ Was the assessment event successfully completed?
☐ If no, was the resubmission/re-assessment successfully completed?
☐ Was reasonable adjustment in place for this assessment event?
If yes, ensure it is detailed on the assessment document.
Assessor name, signature and date:
Student acknowledgement of assessment outcome
Student name, signature and date
NOTE: Make sure you have written your name at the bottom of each page of your submission before attaching the cover sheet and submitting to your assessor for marking.
Appendix 1 – Energy and Resource Utilisation Audit Checklist
Conduct an energy and resource utilisation audit using this checklist
Work through the checklist and over the page. For each item, tick the description that best describes the way that your workplace uses energy and materials, then write the number of stars in the right hand column.
Equipment Number of Stars
What type of lighting is installed at your workplace?
Mostly incandescent or halogen
A mix of incandescent and fluorescent « Mostly fluorescent and/or LED ««
How is the use of lighting managed in your workplace?
Lights are left on all the time Lights are occasionally turned off «
Lights are turned off whenever no one is in the workspace ««
How does your workplace manage power (e.g. computers, appliances)?
Most equipment is left running all of the time
Sleep/Standby features are used where fitted « Equipment is turned off at the wall when not in use ««
Does the workplace have more than one fridge or freezer?
Yes, and both are half full and always running
Yes, but they are only running when needed « No, there is no additional fridge or freezer ««
Where are fridges and freezers located?
In a hot spot, exposed to direct sunlight or next to cooking areas In a warm part of the premises «
In a cool part of the premises ««
What temperature are fridges set to?
Less than 3°C
Between 3°C and 5°C ««
Is the fridge well ventilated?
No air gaps on either the top or the sides Some air gaps around the fridge «
Plenty of ventilation space around and above the fridge ««
How much of the workplace is heated or cooled?
The whole workplace
Only rooms that people are in ««
Where air-conditioning is used, what is the preset temperature for
21°C or less 23°C «
25°C or more ««
Where air-conditioning is used, what is the preset temperature for
24°C or more 22°C «
20°C or less ««
Is there shading on north facing windows?
No Yes ««
Does the company have water saving spouts fitted at basins and showers?
Yes, some «
Yes, all spouts ««
How are company vehicles washed?
Washed on-site using a water pressure cleaner Washed on-site using a bucket «
Washed at a car wash facility that uses recycled water ««
Does the company have a recycling program?
Yes – general recycling only (local council) «
Yes – extensive recycled program (incl. scrap copper) ««
Are materials and equipment excess to requirements for a job, recovered to use on other jobs where possible?
No Yes ««
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