Information Systems Analysis, Modeling, and Design Essay Instructions

• Essay 3-4 pages plus a cover page and references page using APA format
• Select an information system challenge from your workplace or the scenarios discussed in the course. Describe how you will resolve the information system issue.
Apply the concepts covered in the class.

  1. Detail how you will identify the issue for your management. (i.e., An issue can be an inventory, not an account of a remote warehouse for a distribution center… only in details)
  2. Propose a solution and effect the solution.
    Cite sources appropriately (APA).
    For the APA Guideline, you can use this reference.
    Based on the previous classes, this outline has been successful, not the only one, and not imposing is just for reference:
    a. Cover Page
    b. Background Information paragraph
    c. The Information System Challenge
    d. The task of accomplishing this challenge (design a prototype, AGILE, questionnaire… etc.)
    e. Propose solution (this is based on the information gathered)
    f. Effect on the Business or Benefit
    g. OPTIONAL can be the Scope of the project.
    h. References Page
  3. Reminder
  4. For your information, your midterm exam will be run through Turnitin.

Suggested References to use
English, M. (2021). Systems Analysis and Design: Creating the Systems that Support Strategic Plans.
Salem Press Encyclopedia.
Favre L. UML and the Unified Process. IRM Press; 2003.
Ferná ndez Pé rez, J. L., & Hernandez, C. (2019). Practical Model-Based Systems Engineering. Artech
Abrantes, R., & Figueiredo, J. (2021). Information systems and change in project based organizations.
Procedia Computer Science, 181, 367–376
Gunasekaran, A. & Sandhu, M. (2010). Handbook On Business Information Systems. World Scientific.
UMGC Digital Library
IBM. (2022). Use Case

Palvia, P. & Palvia, S. (1988). The Feasibility Study in Information Systems: An Analysis of Criteria and
Contents,” Information & Management, Vol. 14, pp. 211-224.
Emoghene, O., & Nonyelum, O. F. (2017). Information Gathering Methods and Tools: A Comparative
Study. IUP Journal of Information Technology, 13(4), 51–62.
Leventhal, N. S. (1995). Using groupware tools to automate joint application development. Journal of
Systems Management, 46(5), 16.
MindTools. (2021). Business Requirements Analysis.
Hara, S., Yamada, T., Ishikawa, M., Shirai, K., Kameda, A., & Mori, S. (2019). Prototyping Information
System to Extract Area Study Information from Web Big Data. International Journal of Geoinformatics,
15(2), 57–67.

Raskin, D., Vassiliev, A., Samarin, V., Cabezas, D., Hiererra, S. E., & Kurniawan, Y. (2018). Rapid
prototyping of distributed embedded systems as a part of Internet of Things. Procedia Computer
Science, 135, 503–509
Janson, S. (2019). Agile Project Management : Leadership for Professionals, Funding for Agile Companies
& Methods, Developing Strategies, Making the Right Decisions, Creating Concepts, Solving Problems: Vol.
1st edition
Hoos, E., Gröger, C., & Mitschang, B. (2015). Mobile Apps in Engineering: A Process-Driven Analysis of
Business Potentials and Technical Challenges. Procedia CIRP, 33, 17–22.

Kahn, B. K. (1985). An Environmentally Dependent Framework for Data Dictionary Systems. MIS
Quarterly, 9(3), 199–220.

DFD diagrams:

  • SmartDraw:
  • YouTube:
    o How to create a Level-0 Data Flow Diagram (DFD)
    o How to create a Level-1 Data Flow Diagram (DFD)

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