Infected Cases

Question 1

Create a bar chart using Microsoft Excel® and the data provided in the Cases by City document to identify the cities with the highest counts of cases.

Note: This information will be used for further analysis in future assignments.

Write a 350- to 525-word report of your analysis of the data. Include an answer to the following questions:

  • What are the top five cities for infected cases?
  • How many infected cases does each of those cities have?
  • What is the prevalence rate per 100,000 people?
  • What else can be deduced after evaluating the chart?

Include your bar chart in the report.

Format your citations according to APA guidelines.

Question 2

  • Read/view the following:
    • Video: Health Literacy: A Prescription to End Confusion

Complete the following:

  • Locate a web-based patient health education handout from an acute care facility (include the link in your post). Comment on the quality and appropriateness of the handout considering the principles of health education and the potential health literacy limitations of its intended audience. Which ethical principles should be / should have been considered in the development of these materials?
  • Summarize the method used and outcome of the educational needs assessment you conducted in your Practice/Learning community. What did you learn? What is the objective of your planned health education project and what is your plan for meeting this objective?

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