Independent Research Project

For this mandatory independent research project you must choose one of the options from the four provided and fully explore the question posed. You will need to complete research in order to fully explain the issues so a works cited page must be included, which points out where you received your information.

Fully explore four events imposed by either the British or Canadian Governments that had a negative impact on Native communities, Be sure to explain the reason for the imposition by the British or Canadians, the actual situation that took place, as well as the impact the imposition had on the Native Communities at the time you are describing.

Create a well-researched, detailed essay, examining all aspects of your topic. Min. 750 words.
Evaluation: – Completed Brainstorm: /5
– Bibliography: /5
– Proofreading (Sentence Structure, Grammar, Spelling and Paragraphs): /10
– Proper, Organized Format, including Title Page, Topic Sentence with Introductory Paragraph, Main Body, and Concluding Paragraph. /10
– Full, thorough analysis of all necessary components: /20

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