Purpose of Scholarly Project
The purpose of this DNP scholarly project is to develop and pilot an evidence based SDH
education module for nurses, and to pilot a standardized SDH screening tool in the pediatric
clinical setting. This DNP project is a component of a larger national-state collaborative between
the Ohio Action Coalition (OAC), and the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (RWJF). The
overall goal of the state-wide initiative is to increase assessment of SDH by Ohio’s nurses, in
order to improve the health of individuals based on SDH, thus advancing the Culture of Health in
Ohio. The pilot and evaluation of the DNP project components will directly inform the
finalization and spread of the SDH learning module and screening tool that will be available for
use across the state of Ohio, and available nationally through the national Future of Nursing:
Campaign for Action and RWJF. The pilot DNP project will also utilize resource cards to refer
patients to community agencies that address the identified core SDH unmet need. The resource
cards are specific to community agencies with the Cincinnati area but can be adapted to meet the
needs within other cities and communities.
Scholarly Project Objectives
There is a dynamic relationship between SDH and healthcare, including the need to
incorporate social factors into comprehensive patient assessment (Chung et al., 2016). The
nursing profession is central to this process, and has an obligation to assess and facilitate
resources based on findings related to social factors when providing healthcare. The purpose and
global aim of this study is to promote population health and health equity by identifying and
addressing SDH to improve the health and well-being of individuals, communities and
populations. The project objective and specific aims to advance the global aim goal are: (1)
increase nurses’ knowledge of SDH and the impact of SDH on health outcomes by developing and piloting an evidenced based SDH education module and screening tool, using the five core
SDH recommended by the CMS; (2) screen at least 50% of all admissions for core social
determinants of health; and (3) appropriately refer 80% of patients who screened positive for
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