The objectives of this presentation are to:
- Investigate an area of personal interest related to cultural health.
- Locate and identify resources that providers may access when caring for a specific cultural population.
- Investigate opportunities and challenges that a specific cultural group/sub-group face in obtaining and utilizing unbiased healthcare.
- Report specific beliefs, customs, and behavioral patterns of a cultural group/sub-group in the United States society.
- Relate strategies to address the unique health care needs among various cultural groups and sub-groups.
- Gain experience with self-evaluation by reviewing and scoring your own presentation.
You will research health issues related to a specific cultural or sub-cultural group of your choosing and then share what you have learned with others in this class via a PowerPoint, Google Slides or Prezi presentation.
Read through the following instructions, outline and scoring rubric in this document to help guide your research and presentation development. You will use the scoring rubric to conduct four peer evaluations in both Canvas (1st step) and Google via a link (2nd step), as well as a self-evaluation in Google via the same link (2nd step).
In order to learn more about the health and illness aspects of other cultures and subgroups, you will develop a presentation using PowerPoint, Google Slides or Prezi and post in the Cultural Practices Presentations assignment in Canvas to share with classmates. You will be randomly assigned four of your classmates’ presentations to conduct peer evaluations, as well as own self-evaluation, and your final score will be an average of these individual reviews.
Step 1: Choose a topic from among the suggested cultural groups or subgroups listed below (or feel free to select another not listed that interests you). As you consider your topic, know in advance that you will be required to interview at least one person who is either from that culture or who has first-hand experience with the culture (or find a recorded interview to use in its place). For example, if you chose the sex-trade sub-culture, you might interview an experienced health care provider (e.g. counselor or public health specialist). The person you interview could also serve anonymously as the hypothetical character utilized in provision of culturally competent care.
Suggested cultural groups or subgroup topics:
- “Health and Illness in..”
- Native American/Alaska Native/Yaqui
- African American descendent or African immigrant
- Asian (be specific: Filipino, Chinese, Vietnamese, Japanese, Korean, Hmong, etc.)
- East Indian
- Hispanic (be specific: Mexican, Cuban, Puerto Rican, Dominican, Guatemalan, Peruvian, Nicaraguan, etc.)
- Middle Eastern (be specific: Iranian, Iraqi, Israeli, Afghani, etc.)
- European (be specific: Bosnian, Russian, French, German, Italian, etc.)
- Pennsylvania Dutch (Amish)
- Runaway youth
- Single parents
- Military families
- Urban Street Culture (be specific: sex trade, drug market or gangs)
- Athletes (be specific: body builders, distance runners, triathletes, gymnasts, etc.)
- Refugees (use this website for health information on specific refugee groups:
If you don’t see a specific culture or subculture listed that you would like to choose, that’s fine! Contact your instructor using the Community Forum – Course Questions or via your course Inbox to see if your chosen topic fits with our presentation objectives if you have any questions.
Step 2: Organize your Presentation according to the following outline. Look to include each of these areas related to your chosen culture, along with the specific categories included in the Cultural Practices Presentation Scoring Rubric (on the last page). Your outline and scoring rubric will help ensure you include all of the required graded criteria for your presentation. The outline is not to be turned in. However, if you need assistance with or clarification about the outline and resulting presentation, please contact your instructor.
I. Create 3-5 learning/behavioral objectives aligned with your presentation. You will include these at the beginning of your presentation. What do you want your viewers to learn by the end of your presentation?
II. Begin with a brief description of key historical or background points related to the culture or sub-culture you have researched.
III. Define Health and Illness: Explain important concepts that influence how your cultural group/sub-group defines health and illness.
IV. Health Care Practices and Resources: Describe the type of healthcare system and services typically available to your culture/sub-culture here in the US. You may want to contrast the health care available in the US versus what is practiced in the native country, depending upon the group you have chosen. Do members of your culture/sub-culture generally have access to acceptable and affordable health care or are there obstacles? Explain.
V. Health Concerns & Circumstances: Identify the greatest health concerns for this cultural group by citing prevalence and incidence rates for health problems. Some concerns may be related to circumstances (geographical area, living conditions), while others may be due to factors such as genetic predisposition.
VI. Behaviors & Beliefs: Identify beliefs, values behaviors and/or social practices favoring health and those negatively influencing health among the culture/subculture.
VII. Socio-Cultural Factors: Research health risks typical within the culture/subculture. Describe motivating socio-cultural factors that influence risk and why someone might engage in “risky behaviors” to gain something deemed more important (e.g. gender, status, economic need, moral code). Include any “rites of passage” that might apply that places people from your culture at risk (e.g. initiation into manhood or womanhood (i.e. genital cutting), marriage, and so on. Here are 2 examples:
#1: Preparing/serving certain foods high in fat may influence risk for obesity, diabetes, or cardiovascular disease but those foods are culturally important to maintain social role and identity; not following tradition means risking loss of social standing and identity
#2: Youth involved in violence risk injury or fatality, but violence plays an important role in symbolizing power and esteemed social roles. Not engaging in violence means risking victimization, low social status, and low access to certain resources.
VIII. Introduce a hypothetical character through which you will explain how one would provide culturally competent care for someone within your culture/subculture via a short story. Develop your character by telling about your character’s general belief system, their age, gender and family structure, gender roles, sexuality and any ethno-medical beliefs. The use of a character is to humanize the conditions and practices of your cultural group.
IX. Culturally Competent Health Care: Conclude by describing what is necessary to provide culturally competent health care to your cultural group/sub-group. Consider how to communicate, including language, how to address your patient or their family members, the use of eye contact, shaking of hands, etc. Think about what you need to do and understand prior to your patient trusting in your care. What do you need to do to communicate that your primary goal is to first understand your client? Highlight three important areas that would need to be addressed in order to provide cultural health care to your hypothetical character. Identify government programs at Food Research Action Center ( that would support their culture. Your presentation must be factual related to the culture or sub-culture, using the hypothetical character as an example.
X. References: Remember, this is a research presentation. It is required that you include qualitative (e.g. interviews with people who are in or experienced with people in your cultural group or personal observations) and quantitative data (citing scientific research). Include in-text citations within your presentation and a reference list in AMA format to identify your source of information at the end of your presentation. Use at least 7-10 references including at least 1 professional journal article and at least 1 interview with a person who is knowledgeable about your chosen cultural group (or recorded interview). Examples of relevant journals include: The Journal of Transcultural Nursing; Social Science and Medicine; Western Journal of Nursing; Journal of the American Dietetic Association/Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics; Annals of Internal Medicine; Occupational Therapy International; Annals of Family Medicine; Cultural Anthropology. Also utilize public health websites and document them fully. Look for related resources provided within the course Web Resources.
You are required to use the writing style of the American Medical Association (AMA format is recommended for Nutrition students in your presentation. This means that you will identify the sources of your information on each slide, with a full reference list at the end. Do not let the citation of sources overwhelm your slides. AMA format style is recommended because reference numbers identify sources in-text, which minimizes space on your slides.)
Step 3: Develop Your Presentation based on the information you gathered and included in your outline. Your presentation should last approximately 15 minutes when reading through the slides and accompanying notes sections where appropriate, but there is no minimum or maximum number of slides required. * Slides should be informative, yet easy to read, and follow your Outline. Please use the “notes” option on slides that have a lot of information when needed so that it doesn’t clutter up the slide itself.
Step 4: Submit your Presentation.
a. Post your presentation to the Cultural Practices Presentation assignment link in Canvas by the published presentation due date (as specified in the course Schedule/Calendar).
Step 5: Scoring: The Cultural Practices Presentation is worth 100 points total; 80 points for the presentation and another 20 for your four peer-reviews and one self-evaluation..
Presentations must be understandable, compelling, informative and concise syntheses of the research on their topics. Overall visual appeal, including organization and use of graphics are important to communicating your message. It must contain college-level writing with few to no grammatical, spelling or punctuation errors, so PLEASE check your work prior to submitting (NO TEXT-SPEAK!).
IMPORTANT: Presentations must be respectful of the culture and/or subculture in which they are representing and/or discuss. Information that could be considered offensive to others may result in removal of a student’s presentation from the class and further steps as indicated by the ASU Discrimination Policy. Remember that as a student at ASU you represent the University, so keep presentations respectful, non-judgmental, evidence-based and objective.
Utilize the scoring rubric (next page) as you develop your presentation. The various points in each content category demonstrate whether you addressed this in your presentation thoroughly (6), partially addressed it (3) or did not address it (0). This scale also applies to the Professionalism Content area (with different point levels below of 0, 5 and 10 pts). ONLY USE THE PROVIDED POINT CHOICES.
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