Howard Thurman and Mindwalk

Three Essays (each 1000-1500 words, approx. 4-5 pages) –50%– The first two essays (10% first, 15% second) cover material from the corresponding sections of the course

This second essay should cover a significant amount (at least a module and a half’s worth) of material selected from Howard Thurman through the movie Mindwalk.

A successful approach might follow the following format: Summarize, Criticize, and So What? (See the Critical Thinking Resource)– including three components: (1) an accurate reading of a substantial amount of material, (2) thoughtful and reasoned reactions to the readings that present an argued point or points rather than mere opinion or personal response (though those could help as well), and (3) remaining critical questions (i.e. not informational) related to the topic and possible implications for society today and your personal life and values. A possible structure could be to summarize the reading material clearly with explication of a few key quotes, followed by a presentation of your own critical thinking, and ending with discussion of implications for today and your life.

Be sure to demonstrate critical thinking through naming, defining, and analyzing values from the course material that may shape contemporary society and are encountered in your own personal experiences.

Remember to write to edify and transform other students who are not in the class. Write in a scholarly tone about the material itself (i.e. not the modules–no “in this module, we read . . .”), like you might hear in a speech or sermon or read in a magazine like The Atlantic.


(A note on word count: under by 2 words is a huge problem, over by 200 is not much of a problem)

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