Hospital Downsizing

In lessons 5-8 you continued to learn a great deal of information on healthcare delivery systems. This writing assignment will allow you to provide practical application of concepts learned from lessons 5-8. This writing assignment contains two parts. In the first part, you will combine the question responses from lessons 5-8 into a single word document.

Part I

Lesson 5

Please provide a response of 250 words or more to the following question.

1. Name the three main forces that have been responsible for hospital downsizing. How has each of these forces been responsible for the decline in inpatient hospital utilization?

Lesson 6

Please answer the following question in 250 words or more.

1. Long-term care services must be individualized, integrated, and coordinated. Elaborate on this statement, pointing out why these elements are essential in the delivery of long-term care.

Lesson 7

Please answer the following question in 250 words or more.

1. Why should the United States control the rising costs of healthcare?

Lesson 8

Please answer the following question in 250 words or more.

1. Explain the eight main forces that will determine future changes in health care.

Part II

For part two of the assignment, answer the following four review questions and combine the response into a 3-4 page APA formatted paper. You will also provide a minimum of three sources to substantiate the information provided. The four questions to be addressed are as follows:

1. Discuss the role of government in the growth, as well as the decline, of hospitals in the United States.

2. Describe the three utilization review methods, giving appropriate examples. Discuss the benefits of each type of utilization review.

3. What are the challenges faced in rural health?

4. Give an overview of what new technology might achieve in the delivery of healthcare.

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