Homicide Dataset

Using the Homicide dataset, please do the following operations:

1)           First, we’ll be looking at the relationship between the race of victim and race of offender in the Homicide dataset.

a.           What is each of these variables called?

b.           Which of these do you think should be the independent variable? Why?

c.           Perform a crosstab between these two variables with the independent variable in the proper place. Use the statistics and cell content that I’ve specified for this analysis. Copy your table below.

d.           Based on the results of your crosstab, is there a relationship between these two variables? How can you tell? If there is, what is the relationship?

2)           Now we’ll be looking at whether the type of trial – judge or jury – seemed to affect the sentence of the defendant.

a.           What is each of these variables called?

b.           Which of these do you think should be the independent variable? Why?

c.           In its current format, is the type of trial variable appropriate to use in a crosstab? If not, what should you do to make it appropriate?

d.           In its current format, is the length of sentence variable appropriate to use in a crosstab? If not, what should you do to make it appropriate?

e.           Please recode each of these variables, if necessary, check your work, and copy the relevant output below.

f.            Perform a crosstab between these two (recoded if necessary) variables with the independent variable in the proper place. Use the statistics and cell content that I’ve specified for this analysis. Copy your table below.

g.           Based on the results of your crosstab, is there a relationship between these two variables? How can you tell? If there is, what is the relationship?

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