History of Architecture and Urbanism  

Course Description: This course will introduce the history of architecture and urbanism through a global perspective that follows a linear timeline and a geographical approach.  Our goal is to understand the interconnections between the built environment (i.e., architectural forms and urban spaces) from the past as they relate to our new globally connected world. Contemporary architecture and art are can no longer be understood through one particular rival lens of binaries, in that of “Western” or “non-Western.” Our interconnected world allows us to travel across the globe and experience a cornucopia of lived and built spaces virtually or physically. We will begin our journey and progress rapidly through ancient times before slowing our pace at the beginning of the global, colonial world of the sixteenth century. The course culminates through analyses of contemporary building styles and practices that strive for carbon-neutral built environments. Along the way, we will explore historical and contemporary cultures from the Ancient Near East, Asia, Europe, and the Americas. Students who complete this course will identify an array of architectural terms, styles, building materials, and concepts.

Catalogue Description: This course considers the forms, functions, structure, and historical and cultural contexts of architecture and urbanism through either a chronological survey from the ancient world to the contemporary era or through thematic topics. Please consult Department for more information regarding current offerings.

Learning Outcomes: 

This course is designed to assist you in: 

  • Gaining knowledge about artistic and visual cultural production within a series of diverse historical contexts.
  • Understanding the issues and debates pertaining to the study of art and visual culture
  • Gaining familiarity with terminology, stylistic classifications, methods, and theories employed in the study of art and visual culture.
  • Developing the ability to communicate orally and in writing the knowledge you have acquired about art and visual culture.

Theme selected: 

It works from the World Architecture textbook, Chapter 17.1 ARTS AND CRAFTS section, page 743. The book gives ideas about the arts and craft architecture building era. The professor uses it as his reference material in the course but not required in the class. This course focuses on building structure and architecture art history behind it. The chapter arts and crafts movement is not a weekly lecture; therefore, it will not overlay the Essay if used. 

I have not made methodology to go the art and craft era. I am leaving you with many topics available.  I am a mature woman with many skills knowledge trades within architecture, arts, and crafts.

The Abstract and Final Essay must have three minimum sources and two must academically sources, which I have included a list in the file labelled “Cite” from where you can pick. Feel free to add to the cite list and add an image of art and craft architecture buildings. If you know any, just remember to cite the picture.

Please use footnotes

Also included are files of the fall course abstract and final Essay done for the same professor as references material.

Fall2021_example_Abstract Paper.docx

Fall2021_example_Final_Northern European Art Research ESSAY.docx

If you need me to look for anything thorough university library, please send a message.

Research Projects:

Research Paper Abstract: COPY_ABSTRACT_ESSAY.doc [Completed]


Your research papers (or essays) will focus on topics connected to Architecture and Urbanism. They can include topics that relate to ancient to contemporary buildings, but topics can engage with other presentations of architecture in things film, media, and video; however, they must relate directly to the History of Architecture and Urbanism. Topics may relate to traditional art historical analysis to issues of race and gender; topics can be on specific buildings, architects, patrons, programs, etc.

For this assignment, you need to write a coherent, grammatically correct essay (3-4 pages) that outlines your research question, explains why you chose your topic, and the resources you will rely upon to complete your paper. You may use headings for the Essay, or you may use more integrated transitions. You should also briefly summarize the sources you have found and explain how these sources have enhanced your knowledge of your topic.

Successful paper abstracts offer readers a brief and easy to follow explanation of your paper; this includes offering clarity in the type of information to be presented, analyses of this data, and how this synthesis informs your paper’s argument. A good abstract offers the key points of your paper in a coherent order that provides an outline for your paper’s structure and presentation.

  • Context and how your specific topic relates to this area
  • Central questions or problems at hand
  • Context of present state of knowledge
  • Why is your paper important?
  • Your methods of analysis
  • Expected results and significance of your findings

Essays need to include:

  1. Abstract
    1. Offer a clear explanation of your research question
    1. Refer to above section for more information
  • Research Process and Reflection
    • Explain your methodology (example, queer theory)
    • You may also not any potential research problems
    • Include a reflection on why this topic is important to your artistic or academic interests.
  • Summarize 3 sources connected to your research topic
    • 2 sources must be academic
    • 1 source may be a web-based but most have academic purpose, like inventory of buildings, artists, plans, etc.


  • 4 pages maximum
  • Formatted according to Chicago Manual of Style
  • Including a bibliography (not consider part of page limit)
  • Free of grammatical errors and typos.

Final Project (Paper/Essay). [Abstract is used to complete final project essay.]


You may submit your paper any time during the term, Late papers will be reduced 10% each day they are late (not class dates but actual calendar dates).


Each of you will be required to write a 7- to 8-page research paper (or Essay) that will be due in April. This paper is based directly on your Research Project Abstract. You Essay should include a full discussion of the topic, including proper source citation, and a works cited page—you are required to use Chicago Manual Style formatting.

Required Materials:

  • 7 to 8 pages of original text written.
  • This does not include supplementary information like tittle page, notes, or bibliography 
  • 1” page margins
  •  doubled-spaced
  • standard script at 10 to 12-point font
  • Title Page (is not considered as part of the body of your text, i.e. not page 1)
    • It should include: 
      • Title of Paper
      • Your Name
      • Your Student Number
      • Date 
      • Course Number
  • Illustrations (not considered as part of the body of your text)
    • You may not need illustrations in your paper
    • If you do, you can either embed or add to the end of the Essay.
    • Do include Figure number, artist (or culture), title, approximate date, and source
  • Bibliography (not considered as part of the body of your text)
  • Scholarly monographs and scholarly articles
  • You might include general books and specialized internet sites (museums or foundations— not Wikipedia and the like, unless you are using Wikipedia for images)
  • Note: Wikipedia is useful for images and for references to texts, but not as your main source of information
  • You must follow the Chicago Manual of Style for formatting, citing, bibliography, imaging, etc.

To assist you in your papers, think about the following. Please note that these points are for reference, and many other themes and questions may be relevant. These guidelines relate to more historically focused papers but many of the themes and questions can be catered or adjusted to modern discussions.

  • Fully introduce your topic
    • What is your thesis?
  • Include a concise discussion of the topic
    • Identify the scholarly reception of the work, person, or topic?
    • Basically, identify what has been written about your topic?
      • Summarize any debates or arguments surrounding the topic
      • What is the work’s historical context?
      • How does the object relate to period events?
        • If applicable: climate change, population changes, disease, death, religion, conflict, etc.
      • Or how does the work express social or cultural values?
        • Gender roles, raciest ideologies, religious piety, noble self-representation, artist’s statement, books, etc.
    • How does your Essay engage these debates/arguments surrounding your topic?
      • What are you contributing to these discussions?

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