Historical Influences

Question 1

Guidelines: You have been hired to consult at a large corporation on these two projects:

  1. Design a training course to help employees deal with gender issues at work.
  1. Write a report reflecting how your course will improve understanding and ways of relating among employees.
  • culture and history: describe cultural and historical influences on conceptions of gender and other forms of diversity
  • gender differences: discuss research findings on gender differences and similarities in aggression, achievement, and communication
  • relationships: identify gender issues in friendships and romantic relationships
  • gender expectations: explain the impact of gender, gender role expectations, and gender stereotypes on work roles and physical and mental health

Question 2

  • An essay of not more than 12-13 pages, double spaced (2500 words maximum) must be handed in at or before the class of July 19, 2018 The Essay questions will be posted on May 15, 2018


– South-South Cooperation and Regional Development: The Case of Sub-Saharan Africa, or The Gulf Sates or Latin American States, or ASEAN. choose a case study to elaborate on your OWN hypothesis and why your case study supports your hypothesis.

* use political science theories to explain findings , ( example : democratization theory )

* concept : south and north divide

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