- To demonstrate your mastery of the concepts and strategies presented during this course, you will develop a Supervisors’ Policies and Procedures Manual (PPM) for a department operating within Cigna Health Insurance Utilization Department.
- You will assume the role of a Human Resources Manager for the health care organization and, during the course, will develop a PPM that will highlight key concepts, strategies, topics, and issues covered during the course.
- The final paper will consist of four phases each worth 50 pts., and a final compilation worth 100 pts. **This writing-intensive course will produce a final paper of 2500+ words written in APA style.**
- The Supervisors’ Policies and Procedures Manual final Research Paper is due 05/17/2018 by 8:00 PM.
- Final Paper: Phase I – Identifying Policy Needs, Overview of Expectations for Supervisors:Identifying Policy Needs – Outline for Supervisors’ Policy and Procedure ManualCreating an Overview of Expectations for Supervisors I. Develop the outline for your Supervisors’ Policies and Procedures Manual for Supervisors.Your outline should reflect each of the areas your research revealed as relevant to managing and leading in the healthcare organization or facility you selected for your course project. For guidance in completing this assignment, search the Internet for examples of actual policies and procedures manuals for health care supervisors. In addition, you may seek guidance by visiting a local health care facility and interviewing one of its human resources managers, leaders, or other associated personnel.The key is to ensure that, beyond the general policies and procedural information topics: You identify and incorporate issues that are not currently addressed by a formal policy but dictate the need for a formal policy. You may also use the topics covered in the content section of your textbook as a guide for what to include in your Supervisors’ Policies and Procedures Manual. II. Write the introductory portion of your Supervisors’ Policies and Procedures Manual. This portion provides users with an overview of what is expected of them as supervisors. Use the information presented in this week’s readings as a guide for what to include in this section of your manual.
- Final Paper Phase II I.Measuring Employee Satisfaction, Reward System, Supervisory Communication Skills. Develop the section of your Supervisors’ Policies and Procedures Manual that will guide supervisors in policy development for Measuring Employee Satisfaction as follows:
- Coaching subordinates, team building, enhancing and dealing with morale and motivation issues, and managing a diverse workforce.
- Include guidance that can help users understand the importance of delegating and empowering.
- Include a section that details an effective reward system.
II. Develop the section of your Supervisors’ Policy and Procedural Manual that will emphasize Supervisory Communication Skills as follows:
- The importance of excellent communication skills for health care supervisors.
- Incorporate a discussion and examples of strategies and tools supervisors can use to ensure seamless and effective communication when communicating face-to-face, in writing, one-to-one, in meetings, using virtual media, etc.
- Final Paper: Phase III – Legal Considerations, Identifying & Selecting the Best Qualified Candidate, New Hire Orientation:Legal Considerations, New Hire Orientation, Identifying and Selecting the Best Qualified CandidateI. Develop the section for your Supervisors’ Policies and Procedures Manual for Supervisors that will address Legal Considerations as follows:
- Guide users in what they must do to ensure compliance with legal regulations regarding hiring and labor practices.
- In addition, you will submit the section that guides supervisors in dealing with complaints and grievances voiced by employees and, occasionally, by applicants who were not selected for their desired position.
- Detail an orientation program for new and existing employees.
- Each section should be between two to three double-spaced pages.
II. Develop the section for your Supervisors’ Policies and Procedures Manual for Supervisors that will address Identifying and Selecting the Best Qualified Candidate as follows:
- Provide users with general guidelines for identifying, recruiting, interviewing, and selecting the best qualified candidate for health care positions within your Utilization Department.
- Final Paper: Phase IV– Performance Evaluations, Staff Development, Managing Workplace Conflicts:Performance Evaluations, Managing Workplace Conflicts, Staff Development
- I. Develop the section of your Supervisors’ Policies and Procedures Manual for Supervisors that addresses Performance Evaluations and Staff Development as follows:
- Provide guidelines for supervisors to conduct performance appraisals; you may enhance this section by developing a general form that supervisors can use to evaluate and provide feedback to subordinates.
- Provide the section detailing a formal disciplinary process for supervisors.
II. Develop the section of your Supervisors’ Policies and Procedures Manual for Supervisors that addresses Managing Workplace Conflicts as follows:
- Provide users with policies they must follow in counseling employees.
- Discuss policies on how supervisors must manage conflict and confrontation between employees and between employees and supervisors.
- Identify policies that will ensure a safe workplace for employees.
- Final Research Paper – Compilation of final Supervisors’ Policies and Procedures Manual
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