Health Campaign Discussion


Week 8 Discussion Prompts

Discussion Board Instructions:

Please answer each question as thoroughly as you can. I won’t give you a specific word count, but at the very least try for a few paragraphs for each question.

Where possible, try to refer to points in the chapter that help to illustrate your points or arguments. Think about your initial responses to these questions, and then consider how you can reshape those responses–or reframe them or otherwise edit them–so that they incorporate insights, angles, or other content from the chapter.

Discussion Board Questions:

  • Consider the quote on page 132 by the nurse who was offended by the suggestion that staff members avoid telling patients “Merry Christmas.” If she were to follow the principles of Fuller’s reflective negotiation model, what questions might she ask other people? What questions might she ask herself? What might be a good outcome in that situation?
  • What aspects of your health are well explained by an organic approach? By a harmonic approach? If you made a list of healthy behaviors you would like to adopt, what, if anything, would you list in terms of organic factors? What, if anything, would reflect the desire for balance? Why?
  • Think of a health episode you or someone you know has experienced. In what way did explicate-level factors play a role? What about implicate-level factors? Do you think these factors have a significant impact on health overall?
  • Reread the “I Am Not a Victim of Breast Cancer” poem on page 141. In what ways does the author seem to be addressing the stigma of disease? What do her words suggest about the notion that people with cancer are “victims”?


As you work through the process of planning, designing, and implementing your health campaign, you should keep notes about what tasks you’ve accomplished along the way that related to each of the seven steps outlined across Chapters 13 and 14:

  • Define the Situation
  • Analyze/Segment Audiences
  • Establish Campaign Goals & Objectives
  • Select Communication Channels
  • Design Campaign Messaging
  • Pilot and Implement the Campaign
  • Evaluate and Maintain the Campaign

For this assignment, each week for 7 weeks. You will submit the form in Canvas by the assigned date.


Health Campaign Work Log

This week’s step (please bold and underline the step you’re working on this week):

  1. Define the Situation
  2. Analyze/Segment Audiences
  3. Establish Campaign Goals & Objectives
  4. Select Communication Channels
  5. Design Campaign Messaging
  6. Pilot and Implement the Campaign
  7. Evaluate and Maintain the Campaign

Assignment instructions:


Attach tangible results of your work this week or explain why your work was intangible.

  • What were your specific goals this week concerning the health campaign project?
  • What steps did you take to achieve those goals?
  • Please comment on how well you were able to meet those goals. If there were any issues that arose that prevented you from completing those goals, explain them here.
  • What are your goals for next week?

assignment 3: Health Campaign Project Overview

Assignment Value: 30 points


Write and submit a 2-3 page description of your project. This overview should provide a clear idea of what the first two steps of the 7-step campaign process–defining the situation and potential benefits, and analyzing and segmenting your audience–who you are working with, and why you chose this project.

You’ve already done some of this work when you identified the topic of your campaign. Now your job is to refine that topic: to make it as specific as possible. To do that, you will need to address the following questions:

  • Who, specifically, is your campaign for? (fellow students, members of a certain community, etc.)
  • Where will your campaign take place? (on campus, in a specific community space, at a specific hospital or healthcare facility or other kind of building)
  • Who are the “Stakeholders” of your campaign? The stakeholders are the people who will be involved in this campaign in some capacity: not just the desired audience, but also other people involved in the institutions you’ve identified as important to this campaign.
    • For instance, if your campaign is about mental health resources on campus, your stakeholders might include the people working in the existing mental health services on campus, professors on campus whose specialization involves mental health, and local mental health professionals who work in hospitals or other health-related places.


  • Define the situation and potential benefits:
  • Analyze and Segment Your Audience(s):
    • Identify what audience or audiences your campaign is targeting, and justify your selection based on the criteria from the “Analyzing and Segmenting the Audience” section of Chapter 13 in our textbook.
    • Explain how you are segmenting your audience(s): how do you identify specific groups who, as the textbook tells us, “are alike in important ways and whose involvement is important to the purpose of the campaign” (307)?
      • Be sure as you’re considering segmentation to avoid grouping people based on “superficial attributes” like race and income. Remember that people within such categories can have widely divergent viewpoints that make grouping them in such a way counterproductive to the effectiveness of your campaign.
    • Identify what kinds of data you’re going to use to help bolster your claims about your audiences. You should have BOTH primary data and secondary data:
      • Primary data: data that you collect yourself. Start asking questions of the people you have identified as involved, or who could benefit.
        • Examples: interviewing your members of your target audience, or polling them, and collecting data based on their responses
        • Try to get as many people as possible involved, and try to include as many different kinds of stakeholders as you can
      • Secondary data: data that others have collected
        • Examples: statistics on demographics of your target audience, research papers done about the effects of the health topic you’ve chosen, etc

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