Health Benefits

  1. Examine the Relationship Between Physical Activity and Health. Include examples of health outcomes AND summarize the type and amount of physical activity needed to influence these health outcomes.
  2. Choose one of these topics to write a summary paragraph about the effect of physical activity on specific health benefits. (1) Premature Death, (2) Cardiovascular Health, (3) Metabolic Health, (4) Obesity and Energy Balance, (5) Musculoskeletal Health, (6) Functional Ability and Fall Prevention, (7) Cancer, or (8) Mental Health.
  3. Summarize the guidelines for Total Activity and Intensity of Activity for active adults FOR EACH OF THE TWO TYPES OF ACTIVITY (AEROBIC AND MUSCLE-STRENGTHENING.
  4. Research about the systems that are related to the “specific health benefit” Summarize the anatomy of that system as it relates to the health benefit. For example, if discussing Metabolic Health and diabetes, a discussion of the pancreas and beta cells describes the body’s source of insulin.

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