What (compensatory) health behaviors mediate the relationship between emotional eating and weight? (e.g. physical activity, healthy eating, mindfulness, etc.)
The paper should be well organized and based on a careful review of the relevant literature (using literature databases such as PubMed, Scopus, Medline, etc.).
It should be a succinct summary of the currently existing empirical evidence pertinent to the research question. The review is limited to scientific peer-reviewed literature.
A minimum of 10 scientific references (peer-reviewed articles in professional journals such as Health Psychology or Annals of Behavioral Medicine) should be read and cited in the paper.
The paper should end with a summary and critique. The critique should demonstrate your ability to think critically. Reasoned arguments towards the critique should be made.
The paper must be 6 double-spaced typewritten pages, not including the title page and not including the references or any graphs, tables, or figures.
Graphs, tables or figures are to be placed in the end of the paper, after the references.
Do not exceed the page limit of 6 for the text. The grader will stop reading after 6 pages of text and you will be graded on the amount read.
Margins should be 1” all around, font, should be size 12, and pages should be numbered.
The paper must be formatted according to APA style.
Please use the guidelines on the following website: http://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/560/1/ Studies such as the following may be included in your literature review:
Maher, J. P., & Conroy, D. E. (2015). Habit strength moderates the effects of daily action planning prompts on physical activity but not sedentary behavior. Journal of Sport & Exercise Psychology, 37, 97-107.
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