Government 2305: Federal Government: Writing Assignment #1

Writing Assignment #1


For Writing Assignment #1, you are to create an editorial.

  • As you know, there are a number of controversial or problematic domestic issues/topics regarding U.S. public policy, government, and politics. After researching at least three different public opinion polling sources, select one domestic topic or issue from one of those polls and write an editorial based on that issue. In this editorial you will 1) provide some brief context or background regarding this domestic issue, 2) identify and explain your stance on this issue, 3) provide at least one point/reason with a supporting source/evidence that promotes your view, and 4) identify and discuss specific actions you want the American public and U.S. government to take regarding this domestic issue, specific actions that you believe will address this issue. You must use and cite one opinion poll as well as at least two supportive source. (SR/CM/PR) (Possible sources include: ; ; )


Write at least     500    words of text (not counting your Reference or Works Cited page)

  • Reference/cite one opinion poll and at least two supportive sources
    • Adhere to academic-style writing, grammar, and punctuation rules
    • Utilize appropriate in-text source citations
    • Include a properly formatted Reference or Works Cited page
    • See the Writing Assignment Grading Rubric for additional assignment expectations
    • Consult the Grading Breakdown checklist from Writing Assignment #1 for guidance


  1. To practice analytical Reading and Critical Thinking skills
  2. To practice the process of Researching and Understanding specific issues or topics
  3. To enhance your understanding of matters of Social and Personal Responsibility
  4. To improve your Communication skills


Academic—members of your GOVT 2305 class


  • At least 500 words (not counting your Reference or Works Cited page, if you need to use one). A significant number of points will be deducted from your paper’s grade if it falls short of 500 words.
    • Use appropriate MLA or APA rules for citation.

Due Dates — A final version (electronic) of Writing Assignment #1 is due no later than Thursday, October 13, 2022. Any late paper will automatically lose a minimum of 10 points. An additional 5 points will be deducted for each calendar day it is late. No assignment will be accepted after Tuesday, October 18, 2022.

NOTE 1: Do not use Wikipedia or any other “summary” websites as a source for your paper. NOTE 2: No more than 20% of your writing assignment’s text should be directly quoted material.

NOTE 3: Submitting a plagiarized paper will result in you receiving a grade of zero for this assignment.

NOTE 4: You must submit an electronic (MS Word) copy of your paper to this class’s Brightspace course site no later than . You must submit a file that is compatible with Turnitin, such as a file with a .doc, .docx, .rtf, or .txt extension. Failure to submit an acceptable electronic copy of your paper to Brightspace/Turnitin will result in you receiving a grade of zero for this assignment.

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