For this phase of your project, you will conduct Internet research on your already approved developing country* (JORDAN), and prepare a profile of the country.
Note that only websites ending in .org, [EXCEPT Wikipedia] .net., or .gov are approved [.com sites are not acceptable].
Your country profile should be 3-4 pages, typewritten (12-point font), and double-spaced, done in Microsoft Word, and should/include:
- Introduction:In one paragraph, identify the country you have chosen, indicate the region in/continent on which it is located. Share the reason/s why you chose that country (For example, what had you heard about it /did you know about it before? What is the country known for? Had you ever visited the country? What did you notice about it then? Be honest even if it means sharing stereotypes.)
- Describe the country’s:
- Political system. Include whether it was ever colonized by another country/countries, if so which country/countries, and the year in which it gained its independence. Remember to also describethe current political system. Thus, if the country is governed by a two-party parliamentary system, say so and indicate what that means.
- Inhabitants/Demographic make-up: Describe its inhabitants including the total population, gender breakdown, age groups, racial/ethnic groups, religion/s, literacy rate, life expectancy at birth, infant mortality rate, etc.
- Official language/s:Official and other language/s spoken in the country and by whom, if applicable.
- Geography: climate, natural resources, land use, natural hazards, environmental issues
- Economy:(What type? E.g. free-market capitalism? Closed/state-managed? What does it mean? How’s the country doing economically? Per capita Gross Domestic Product (GDP)—NOTE: Per capita GDP is a measure of a development that will be discussed in a few weeks. A high per capita GDP is often viewed as sign that a country is doing well economically and, perhaps, otherwise.
- Currency:Currency and conversion into U.S. dollar
- Industries: coffee, cacao, bauxite, textiles, electronics, tourism, oil, spices, etc.
- Culture:What stands out about this country culturally?
This section may include information about cultural music, art, architecture, folklore, traditions, cuisine, norms, values, etc. [Note, this section should be based on factual information that you found in your internet source/s – not hearsay or mere stereotypes.] - International/Global Relationships:Any special relationship(s) with a country in the developed world or international organizations (i.e. trade or other relationship with the U.S., a country in Europe, Japan; loans from the IMF, World Bank; membership in the World Trade Organization; part of a regional free trade agreement; has a free trade zone, assembly plants, transnational corporation/s; signed the Rome Treaty). That is, any examples of how globalization has affected that country.
Your country profile should be written in full sentences culminating in short paragraphs. Do not write in note format. Each section should begin with appropriate heading (for example, Political System) indicating what information follows. Use your own words; that is, do not simply copy and paste information from sites. Do not submit tables or charts to display numerical data. Instead, summarize such data.
On a separate page, attach a bibliography that documents your sources and that adheres to MLA, APA, or ASA citation format. In-text citations are not required.
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