Question 1
It has been said, “We learn wisdom from failure much more than from success. We often discover what will do by finding out what will not do; and probably he who never made a mistake never made a discovery.” (Samuel Smiles, 19th C Scottish author and reformer. ‘Self-Culture: facilities and Difficulties’, Self-Help (1856), Ch 11)
The successful implementation of change through the use of Project Management has become vital to most businesses and organizations to the point if an organization fails to keep up with the pace of change it can have catastrophic results to all the organization’s stakeholders.
Take some time to review current events and identify a scenario where an organization’s attempt to implement change failed and the consequences of that failure. For example, perhaps a business attempted to implement a new product, or use a new technology and was not able to successfully implement the change, or a governmental agency that failed to deliver on a service.
Describe in detail what the organization attempted to implement and the impact this failure caused to the various stakeholders in the scenario.
Question 2
Guidelines: You have been hired to consult at a large corporation on these two projects:
- Design a training course to help employees deal with gender issues at work.
- Write a report reflecting how your course will improve understanding and ways of relating among employees.
- culture and history: describe cultural and historical influences on conceptions of gender and other forms of diversity
- gender differences: discuss research findings on gender differences and similarities in aggression, achievement, and communication
- relationships: identify gender issues in friendships and romantic relationships
- gender expectations: explain the impact of gender, gender role expectations, and gender stereotypes on work roles and physical and mental health
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