Galapagos By Kurt Vonnegut

Answer the following question in 4-5 pages using research, analysis, argument, proper in-text citations and a well-constructed thesis statement by focusing on Kurt Vonnegut’s novel Galapagos as your main text. Remember to always reach for specificity in your thesis statement. Stay narrow and zoomed in and choose evidence from the text, as well as your outside resources, that will aid you in scaffolding a paper that demonstrates and supports a strong, clear and precise argument. Remember to focus on what the writer is arguing and how they build that argument. Provide proof and connect each quote explicitly to how it strengthens your own argument about what the text is doing and why it is effective. Your paper must use at least 3 outside resources, one of which must be a peer reviewed journal.
What philosophy is the novel Galapagos arguing, and how is that argument constructed?

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