Future Employment

Question 1

2.Based reading the U.S. Constitution, describe each of the following:

  • One check or balance that the federal executive branch has on the federal legislative branch.
  • One check or balance that the federal executive branch has on the federal judicial branch.
  • One check or balance that the federal legislative branch has on the federal executive branch.
  • One check or balance that the federal legislative branch has on the federal judicial branch.
  • One check or balance that the federal judicial branch has on the executive branch.
  • One check or balance that the federal judicial branch has on the federal legislative branch.Be sure to cite what article and section that each check or balance is found in the U.S. Constitution.

3.Discuss the failures of the Article of Confederation that led to creation the the U.S. Constitution?

4.What is federalism? Describe the balance of power between the federal government and state governments. In your response you may want to discuss the supremacy clause, the 9th, 10th, and 14th amendments, as well as any relevant Supreme Court decisions.

5.What are the three branches of government? Describe what each one does in your own words and in a few brief sentences.

Doesn’t have to be in an APA paper format….

Question 2

We all have different leadership styles. Consider teachers or managers you have had in the past—didn’t they all “lead” in different ways? Managers often take on different roles requiring different leadership styles, depending on the situation at hand. Working with an employee that is repeatedly late to work, does a minimal-effort job, and is disrespectful will cause the manager to make a decision on the future employment of this worker and take on a firm leadership approach in handling the behavior. Another example might be a manager looking for potential replacements for an open position within the department. While reviewing the employees on hand, the manager may take an inclusive approach to review current employees for possible promotions. This could all be done by the same manager in the same day. The style of management needed to fulfill the role required depends on the situation.

Initial Post: Answer the following questions:

  1. List the types of leadership styles.
  2. Discuss which style you prefer as the best approach to leadership and why.
  3. How does your preferred leadership style address HR issues like sexual harassment and labor relations? Explain your position on this issue.
  4. If applicable, apply any experiences that you have encountered.

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