Free School Breakfast Program

You will design a Public Health Program Evaluation Document. The document will be based on a working public health program in your local community. Be sure to develop an evaluation plan to ensure your program evaluations are carried out efficiently in the future and to ensure your evaluation plan is documented so you can regularly and efficiently carry out your evaluation activities. Plans must include the following sections:

I. Title Page (name of the organization that is being, or has a product/service/program that is being, evaluated; date)

II. Table of Contents

III. Executive Summary (one-page, concise program background , type of evaluation conducted, what decisions are being aided by the findings of the evaluation, who is making the decision

IV. Engagement of Stakeholders o All groups identified – those involved in program operations; those served or affected by the program; and primary intended users of the evaluation. o Address rights of human subjects, human interactions, conflict of interest o Cultural competency addressed

V. Description of the Program o Statement of need -describes the problem, goal, or opportunity that the program addresses; the nature of the problem or goal, who is affected, how big it is, and whether (and how) it is changing; problem/opportunity to which program is responding to, the program’s specific objectives

Expectations – program’s intended results-what the program has to accomplish to be considered successful; background about organization and program that is being evaluated; organization description/history.

Activities – everything the program does to bring about changes- describe program components, elements, strategies, and actions; principal content of the program, delivery model

Resources- include the time, talent, equipment, information, money, and other assets available to conduct program activities include program costs and the cost-benefit ratio as part of the evaluation; staffing (description of the number of personnel and roles in the organization that are relevant to developing and delivering the program

Program’s stage of development – reflects program maturity; address three phases of development: planning, implementation, and effects or outcomes; program documentation.

Program’s context – the environment in which the program operates; the area’s history, geography, politics, and social and economic conditions, and what other organizations have done.

Logic model – sequence of events input, output, and long-term goals, short-term; flow-chart, map, or table to portray the sequence of steps leading to program results; clear description of program inputs, activities/processes; clear description of outcomes and impact.

VI. Evaluation Design

Purpose – general intent of the evaluation. (gain insight, improve how things get done, determine what the effects of the program are, affect those who participate)

Users – specific individuals who will receive evaluation findings.

Uses – what will be done with what is learned from the evaluation.

Answer specific questions- clarity and appropriateness of research questions, including which stakeholders will utilize the answers

Methods-(experimental, quasi-experimental, and observational or case study designs) o Agreements- summarize the evaluation procedures and clarify everyone’s roles and responsibilities; describe how the evaluation activities will be implemented.

Addresses evaluation impact ,practical procedures, political viability, cost effectiveness, service orientation, complete and fair assessment, fiscal responsibility .

VII. Gathering Evidence

Indicators – general concepts about the program and its expected effects into specific, measurable parts; description of independent and dependent variables and how they will be measured and analyzed. Sources of evidence -people, documents, or observations, criteria used to select sources clearly stated; who participated.

Quality -the appropriateness and integrity of information gathered

Quantity-the amount of evidence gathered o Logistics – the methods, timing, and physical infrastructure for gathering and handling evidence time periods sampled, data collection method and tools, any limitations caused by this method and tool

Address Information scope and selection; information sources, valid and reliable information

VIII. Justification of Conclusions o Standards -the values held by stakeholders about the program.

Analysis and synthesis -methods to discover and summarize an evaluation’s findings; detect patterns in evidence, by analysis, synthesis, mixed method

Interpretation – figure out what the findings mean; interpretations and conclusions

Judgments – statements about the merit, worth, or significance of the program, compare against one or more selected standards.

Recommendations-actions to consider as a result of the evaluation; recommendations regarding the decisions that must be made about the service/program.

Addresses identification of values, analysis of quantitative and qualitative information

IX. Use and Dissemination of Lessons Learned

Design -how the evaluation’s questions, methods, and overall processes are constructed.

Preparation – steps taken to get ready for the future uses of the evaluation findings.

Feedback – communication that occurs among everyone

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