Franchise operation


Operating a franchise is reportedly an optimal means to entrepreneurial expression.  However, there may be limits to the degree of operational freedom exercised by the franchisee, as the franchiser seeks to maintain continuity of product, price, quality, and branding among all franchise units

Read and consider the information provided in the following article from the Library at University, and provide detailed answers to the following questions

  1. Explain franchisee autonomy? What is the advantage and disadvantage of allowing autonomy to the franchisee in the operation of the franchise?  Explain your response(s) in detail.
  2. How may a franchisee find a balance between the desire to manage their operation, as they’d like, while adhering to the strict requirements of the franchiser? Can there be room for equitable compromise that meets the need of both franchiser and franchisee?
  3. Consider a franchise that you frequently visit, and describe in detail the product, price, quality, and brand consistency from one location to another location? From a consumer’s perspective, how important is consistent “likeness” in product and services?  Do you know of a franchise where inconsistency is permitted without compromising quality or brand identity?
  4. Where the need for autonomy and individual expression is greater than what is permitted a franchisee candidate in a given franchise system, what options may be available to the entrepreneur?
  5. Create a 900-word minimum length essay, MS Word, not including the required essay cover page and abstract. APA formatting, spell/grammar checked, proper references is required.

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