Food Insecurity

Food Insecurity
ELAC/LACCD should do something about the food insecure population
LA County should to more (or less) about food insecure population in publich high schools

Food Deserts
Stores should be aggressive about opening stores in food deserts.
If people had a better idea of the implications of bad diets and poor nutrition than they would make more of an effort to eat healthily
The government should take a more active role in eliminating food deserts.
The public sector should take a more active role in eliminating food deserts.
The private sector should take a more active role in eliminating food deserts.
A public/private sector collaboration should take a more active role in elminating food deserts

Compose an essay minimum of five paragraphs on a topic of food deserts, food insecurity or nutrition. You can use any of the texts that we have discussed in class. You can also find one on your own. You also have the option to provide person experience as your support.

Here is a sample outline:

Introduction (Thesis)
Define terms/Provide Background
Source (#1) argument support paragraph
Source (#2) argument support paragraph using a source or personal experience
Conclusion (Provide insight into solutions)

Length: 3-4 pages

Please use MLA format.


Parents should have a more active role in the nutrition of their children
Schools should provide more nutritious food
Young people should be talk more about nutrition in school
If people had a better idea of the implications of bad diets and poor nutrition than they would make more of an effort to eat healthily
The government should consider rationing unhealthy food
It is up to consumers to learn more about what they are eating rather than blaming other people
Fast food companies have ruined the nutritional standards of the United States

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