Fluid Mechanics

This issue is your understanding of fluid mechanics. Please explain completely and use equations, theory and diagrams as appropriate. Use examples and be as specific as possible. If you use information from somewhere else give appropriate credit.

  • Discuss fluid mechanics issues related to air pollution in Los Angeles. Based on your knowledge of fluid mechanics, can you suggest ways to reduce air pollution there?


  • Project Description (20 points)
    • Extended discussion of the project selected (in your own words). Clear explanation of why this project is appropriate for the course – what aspects of what you are learning/have learned will be used here?
  • Fluid Mechanics Analysis (50 points)
    • Correct approach to fluid mechanics analysis of the problem. Accurate computations where appropriate. Assumptions and limitations of your approach must be clearly described.
  • Conclusions/Consequences/Future/Ways of mitigating the problem identified (20 points)
  • Correct grammar and formatting (10 points)


Topic discussed in class that should be included:

  • Fluid Statics
  • Fluid Mechanics
  • Bernoulli Equation
  • Integral Equations
  • Internal flow
  • External Flow

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