Female Inmates

Asalah is a Muslim female who has immigrated to the United States with her husband and two children. Her husband is considered moderate and progressive in his ideals. Asalah is working in the female section of the county jail. Although she is progressive, she still feels that she should wear a khimar (type of head scarf), but by policy, this is not allowed within a jail setting.

To follow policy and procedure, she does not wear any covering in the female section but wishes to wear the khimar when coming into and leaving the jail setting because there are males in this institution.

She has just heard from her family that they are coming for a visit. Her family is quite conservative and also realizes that she will not be wearing a burqa but would expect her to wear a khimar.

  • Could there be an exception made for her to come to and from work?
  • Knowing that she is Muslim, would this head scarf put her in any danger from the female inmates?
  • The jail has offered to place her in the classification department if she wishes to wear the khimar, but would this be considered discrimination? Why or why not?
  • During her lunch hour, she wishes to go to the cafeteria to get some snacks but she is not allowed to wear her khimar. This causes a problem because men are walking the halls and are in the cafeteria. What would be the reasoning that the jail administrators could give her for this procedure?
  • What types of policies exist regarding cultural considerations such as this? Explain.
  • Do you feel that these policies are effective in their purpose? Explain.

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