Felony Crimes

Compose an essay in which you discuss the topic of felony crimes. In your response, please include the following components:

• The prevalence of homicide, robbery, and sexual assault in your local community, including which one occurs the most and why you think it occurs the most (The following link can help you locate information about this: https://www.fbi.gov/services/cjis/ucr);
• The differences between homicide, robbery, and rape.
• The differences between the various methods law enforcement can use to investigate a homicide, robbery, and sexual assault;
• The potential value of collecting and preserving physical evidence in sexual assault investigations;
• The possibility of DNA becoming even more valuable as a tool for old sexual assault cases;
• Your thoughts on the possibility that circumstantial cases may become difficult to prosecute given the prevalence of evidentiary technology; and
• Your opinion on the propensity of violence in the U.S. and it affects our daily lives.

USE THIS BOOK FOR ONE OF THE REFERENCES: Justice and Science: Trials and Triumphs of DNA Evidence. 2007,

USE THIS FOR ONE OF THE REFERENCE……https://research-ebsco-com.libraryresources.columbiasouthern.edu/linkprocessor/plink?id=e265b69e-6da3-3505-8607-b59c326fb15d

The best approach to organizing the paper is to provide an Introduction paragraph that provides a review of the purpose and direction of the paper.

Following the introduction paragraph, you will discuss each type of crime in its own Intermediate section, and then follow the main body with a conclusion that summarizes comparisons and contrasts of each crime.

Your paper must be a minimum of two full pages in length, in addition to the title and reference pages, and be in APA 7th ed. format.

The paper must include the APA formatted Title Page and Reference page as well. Therefore, the paper will be a total of a minimum of four pages.

You must support your paper with a minimum of two empirical references from the CSU Online Library.

Your textbook should serve as your primary reference. Each reference must relate to at least one in-text citation.

The paper must include the APA headings (Introduction, Intermediate headings, a Conclusion, and a Reference section).

The Conclusion must provide a complete review of the findings in the paper.

The Introduction and Conclusion headings are centered above the paragraph, and the Intermediate headings are fully left justified.


CSU 80/20 Rule: SafeAssign shows a relatively high similarity rating of 48%. Please remember the requirements for the CSU80/20 Rule: All papers must be written with 80% of the paper in your own words, leaving 20% to direct quotes or paraphrased information. Please remember that changing a couple of words does not constitute paraphrasing. The remaining phrase is still a direct quote.

RUNNING HEAD: The Running head and header have been eliminated from the Title Page and all following pages by the APA 7th Edition. The title of the paper must relate to the subject of the assignment, not the type of assignment. All headers of each page must include the page number, fully, right justified.

TITLE PAGE: All papers must include an APA formatted cover page. The information on the cover page must be double-spaced and centered from all margins and must include:• The title of the paper• Your name• The University Name• The course number and title• And the date of submission The title of the paper must relate to the subject of the assignment, not the type of assignment. Font size must not exceed #12 font.
Headings All papers must be presented with three major sections in the main body, which includes The Introduction, Intermediate sections, and a conclusion. These sections must include APA headings (Introduction, Intermediate headings, which are numerous, and a Conclusion, which provides a summary of your findings and solutions based on today’s best practices, if applicable). All paragraphs must be a minimum of six sentences.
INTRODUCTION: Every paper must start out with the Introduction Paragraph, which provides the reader with the purpose and direction of the writing. The heading, Introduction, or the title of the paper may serve as the Introduction heading; centered above the introduction paragraph.
INTERMEDIATE HEADINGS: Following the Introduction, you will provide the main body of your paper, which will include different but related subjects that refer back to the introduction. Each time the subject changes in the main body, you will need to create a new Intermediate heading for that section of the main body. All Intermediate headings are fully left-justified. CONCLUSION: Every paper must include a conclusion. The Conclusion should include the heading, Conclusion, and must provide a summary of your findings as well as solutions based on best practices today (solutions you provided and validated within your paper). The Conclusion heading is centered above the paragraph.
PARAPHRASED INFORMATION: All profound facts, figures, and dates that are not common knowledge to the average person must include paraphrased information citation to validate that information and to give credit to the author. All paraphrased information citations must include the author(s)’ last names only (no first names, initials, or titles) and the year of publication. Example: (Goodson, 2018). The sentence punctuation must follow the citation. The Citation is an integral part of the sentence. Do not include the page number in paraphrased information citations. APA 7th edition requires that paragraphs that include paraphrased information from the same source must only offer the citation for that source at the beginning of that paraphrased insertion or the end of the paragraph.
DIRECT QUOTES: All direct quotes less than 40 words in length must be enclosed in quotation marks. Only the actual quote is enclosed in the quotation marks, not the citation. The citation, however, is an integral part of the sentence. Therefore, the sentence punctuation must follow the citation. All direct
quotes 40 words or longer must be in block form (indented from left and right margins). The quotation marks are omitted from the block form for long quotes. All direct quote citations must include the author source’s last name, only (no first names, initials, or titles), the year of publication separated by commas, and the page number. If no page number exists, you must include a paragraph number. Example: (Goodson, 2018, p. 24) or (Goodson, 2018, para. 5).
REFERENCE FORMAT: All papers must include an APA reference section on a separate, last page with the heading, References, centered on the page above the reference list. Your textbook must serve as your primary reference for all assignments. All references must be double-spaced and left-justified with the second and following lines for each reference indented five spaces from the left margin. All references must be in APA format and must relate to in-text citations. Authors’ names must be in last name first format and must be in alphabetical order. Article or book titles must be in ITALICS. All references taken from a website must include the URL for that site. All references must be less than six years old. Every reference must end with a period. If your computer automatically includes the period as a part of the URL, simply highlight the period and click on the Underline Tool in the Toolbar. Minimum Length: All papers must comply fully with the minimum length requirement expressed in the instructions of each assignment. The minimum length does not include the cover or reference pages.
APA THREE OR MORE AUTHOR RULE: APA 7th Edition allows the immediate use of the et al method with sources of three or more authors. APA SPACING: All papers must comply fully with the APA standard of double-spacing, which includes concern for the Before & After Spacing. All before & after spacing must be set at “0”. This applies to al.

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