Federated Data Consortium


Read Sharing Sensitive Health Data in a Model: An Eight-Step Guide INSIGHT


http://www3.weforum.org/docs/WEF_Sharing_Sensitive_Health_Data_2020.pdf (Links to an external site.)(Attached)

Respond to the following question in 150 words:

  • What are the eight steps to build a federated data consortium and what are the benefits and constraints of federated data systems?


The global pandemic has created the need for quickly accessing data for the purposes of research. One of the challenges has been sharing data based on all of the rules has become virtually impossible. One-way researchers have found to access data to look at trends has been to access the information without changing the location. First, it important to understand that data is one of the most valuable resources in the current era of modernization. Data and healthcare has been something that the sector has been trying to understand all of the risks, safety precautions, etc. The way four countries have come together to share health data is fascinating. They have established an eight-step module:

  1. Establish Trust
  2. Define problem.
  3. Align Incentives
  4. Identify resources.
  5. Identify Gaps
  6. Establish Governance model
  7. Structure Data
  8. Deploy Technology

While, I have listed the eight steps, each step has more refined steps as a way for the countries to develop more defined and process-oriented actions. The eight-step model really can be applied to any project. The rest of it would be defined by how the model was being used. If you want to look at the constraints of the system one of them is the time to develop all of the policies in each step. Second, is understanding how the governance is established since it is done as the sixth step. Third constraint is how to come to some type of similar agreement when looking at different cultural values.

The second post:

The eight steps (World Economic Forum) to build a federated data consortium are:

Step 1: finding trustworthy partners

Step 2: determining a common problem where federating data is beneficial

Step 3: aligning on incentives and capacities

Step 4: identifying resourcing

Step 5: identifying institutional gaps

Step 6: designing and deploying a governance model

Step 7: to structuring data

Step 8: to deploying the API technology

The benefits federated data systems incudes allowing local control with efficiency of global scale, tackling questions of confidentiality and security, fostering the exploration of new data, allowing larger datasets to be analyzed to gain more insight, minimizing administrative and financial costs, and facilitating the sharing of cross-border data in accordance with local governance and legislation. The constraints of federated data systems include bringing more complexity to the decision-making processes, establishing new types of “infomediaries” with unknown risks and liabilities, and federated data are not yet established to correct and remediate incidents or acts of negligence (World Economic Forum).

World Economic Forum. (Sharing sensitive health data in a federated data consortium model: An Eight-Step guide. https://www.weforum.org/reports/sharing-sensitive-…

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