Family Role

Question 1

1. Discuss the organization and the family role in every one of the heritages mentioned about and how they affect (positively or negatively) the delivery of health care.

2. Identify sociocultural variables within the Irish, Italian and Puerto Rican heritage and mention some examples.

As stated in the syllabus the assignment must be presented in an APA format word document, Arial 12 font attached to the forum on the discussion board. A minimum of 3 evidenced-based references must be used (excluding the class textbook). References must be no older than 5 years. A minimum of 700 words is required.

Question 2

For this assignment, include a synthesis of what you have learned about Ethics in Health Care, Health Care Policy, and Health Care Delivery Systems.

  • Identify and clarify an ethical dilemma associated with improving awareness of and adherence to measles vaccination schedules among your specific target population.
  • Suggest at least two possible approaches for addressing the identified dilemma and implications. One approach must be at the individual level, and one must be at the organizational level.
  • Determine the most appropriate approach and describe the components of implementation in detail.

Question 3

Long-term Care

Discuss the various components of long-term care services in the United States. Specifically, what are the differences between retirement centers, assisted living facilities, and skilled nursing facilities. What other options might be available to support the elder or the person needing extensive assistance in the community?

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