Family and Children Law

Word Limit-1200 words (Suggested – see note below)

The task asks you to answer eight [8] questions, worth 5 marks each. The questions within the task will be used to assess your comprehension and application.

Requirements Word limit

There is no word limit as such but, as a guide, the longest expected answer is a short answer of 2-3 paragraphs, and a paragraph is 4 – 6 sentences, so this assessment task is not asking you to write long answers. Just write enough (approximately 150 words for each question) to ensure you have completed each question.


Normal referencing requirements should be followed. Mostly, you will just be referencing sections of legislation but several questions may take you to appropriate websites which should then be referenced.


There is no detailed feedback for a ‘short answer questions’ but you will, of course, receive your mark and information about the ‘correct’ answers.

The questions will be in the next page

  • Be aware of deficiencies in the law and have some knowledge of the process of, and trends in, law reform.
  • Have considered how the law promotes and protects the rights and needs of children and adolescents.

NOTE: The following questions may refer to NSW legislation, but you may answer those questions in relation to the legislation which deals with the matters in the state/territory in which you live.

Question 1

What is and is not a parenting plan in the Family Law Act?

Question 2

Under the Children Criminal Proceedings Act 1987 (NSW) what are the responsibilities of the court with respect to explaining proceedings to children?

Question 3

Children and young people and the criminal law: is the public permitted to attend criminal proceedings relating to children? Why/why not? What is your view on this?

Question 4

Under the Family Law Act 1975 there is a definition of family violence. How does this definition apply to conduct or behaviour (in a family relationship) when the alleged conduct does not amount to physical abuse?

Question 5

What are Family Relationship Centres and what is their function?

Question 6

Summarise the provisions of the Children and Young Persons (Care and Protection) Act 1998 (NSW) regarding the principles relating to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders.

Question 7

What standard of proof needs to be met for orders to be made in Family Law proceedings? What does this say about the nature of these orders? Are they ‘criminal matters’?

Question 8

What is the youth Koori Court in NSW and how does it work?


  • No of references 16
  • Quotations are not accepted as in-text references at all
  • APA 7 (refer to the uploaded document as to follow it clearly)

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