Exercise Prescription

To design an Exercise Prescription (Ex Rx) of 4 weeks for the client assigned to you based on: the goals of the client, the Health Assessment and Exercise Assessment using the Lab Patients Summer 2018 data set for cardiorespiratory fitness (CRF), muscular fitness (MF), flexibility (FLEX), and neuromotor performance (NMP) using the FITT-VP principle.

Results: Present the Health Assessment and Exercise Assessment data corrected from the previous 2 lab reports in Tables 1 and 2 and Figure 1. For the final Lab Report you will create Table 3 with the new information – an Exercise Prescription. Follow the guidelines of ACSM and EP texts using the FITT-VP format for the Ex Rx.: frequency, intensity, time, type, with the addition of volume and progression for a comprehensive 4 week program. You may use additional resources (other than ACSM or EP) as well but make sure they are cited properly and referenced properly. In the table a chart is very useful for presenting each week of the 4 weeks of the Ex Rx and a sample chart is provided as a template. Use only the data on CRF, MF, FLEX and NMP of your client. Do not include any other components in the Ex Rx. You do not need to address any other body parts for MF than those tested. Anything you put in the Ex Rx you must be able to measure after the 4-week program. Fit each week on a separate page.


Question 2

A large number of older adults misuse alcohol, prescription drugs, or other substances, and this number is growing bigger. It has been estimated that almost one in every five older Americans drink alcohol or use medications unsafely (American Association for Geriatric Psychiatry). For some older people, any alcohol use can be a problem. It depends on how their bodies respond to alcohol, the medications you may be taking, your current health, their medical and family history histories, and other factors. Discuss how you will monitor for misuse of alcohol, prescription drugs, and others substances in your geriatric clients. Identify at least 5 evidence-based references to support your plan.


Question 3

Choose a Japanese multi-media franchise and discuss to what extent it is culturally “odourless”

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