Evidence-Based Patient-Centered Needs

• 4-5 page narrative double-spaced, Times New Roman 12 pt. font with title page and reference page (not included in the 4-5 pages of content)
• APA format (6 or 7)
• 4-5 references should be included to support the evaluation, recommendation, and plans. Sources must be no older than FIVE years and must be from a quality, peer-reviewed source.
• Work should be succinct yet substantive, free of spelling, grammar, and punctuation errors

Context of narrative
A patient-centered needs assessment is a critical element in nursing care. The findings from the needs assessment can be effective tools for organizing a plan of action, prioritizing patient care strategies, and developing personalized care approaches that improve patient engagement. In addition to organizing care, they can aid in ensuring that the patient’s care is individualized to not only their health conditions, but also their familial, cultural, and environmental situations.

The purpose of a needs assessment is to identify priorities of a community or patient population. The findings of a needs assessment can be an extremely useful tool to help organize and plan care decisions for a specific patient or group. By conducting a needs assessment, a nurse can then use the best evidence to guide the interventions selected to meet the identified needs and improve patient engagement.

Develop a 4–5-page patient-centered needs assessment to demonstrate how to leverage health care technology to improve patient engagement and outcomes for a patient population with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus.

The work must meet the following criteria:
• Identifies the importance of addressing patient engagement in the management of a patient’s specific health, economic, and cultural needs based on the best available evidence. Provides specific examples of patient engagement strategies that would be appropriate to apply to a patient with T2DM.
• Explains the potential use and impact of information and communication technology tools needed to improve consumer health literacy for a specific patient population. Supports explanation with specific reference to evidence from professional best-practice or scholarly sources. Identifies unanswered questions or areas of uncertainty about the individual needs of the patient or their family, where further information could improve the analysis.
• Evaluates the value and relevance of the technology modalities that may be used to address the needs identified in the patient population assessment. Notes how exchange and interoperability of technology modalities contribute to their value. Notes specific ways in which the communication strategies promote honest communication, facilitate sharing only information that is permitted under data privacy rules, and help to make complex medical terms and concepts understandable to your patient and their family, regardless of language, abilities, or educational level.
• Identifies innovative strategies for leveraging technology to support quality, ethical, and efficient patient care that is culturally and linguistically appropriate for the identified patient population. Refer to evidence from professional best-practices or scholarly sources to support the use of the identified strategies.
• Explains how the proposed strategies will mitigate the risk of adverse outcomes due to inequity in access to patient personal health data and technology modalities. Supports the explanation with specific examples of strategies that have previously been applied to mitigate risks and address iniquities.
• Conveys clear purpose of the assessment narrative, in a tone and style well-suited to the intended audience. Supports assertions, arguments, and conclusions with relevant, credible, and convincing evidence. Exhibits strict and nearly flawless adherence to organizational, professional, and scholarly communication standards, including APA style and formatting.
• Integrates relevant and credible sources of evidence to support assertions. Exhibits strict and flawless adherence to APA style of in-text citations and references.

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