Ethical Framework

• Each essay must have separate files. Below are the 5 essay questions.
• Below are summery of each of the 6 modules.
• CL you have worked on four of the papers in the past for this class, also please be mindful of Turnitin the last paper you wrote 70% was detected for AI but your manager gave me an explanation.
• Also, most of the papers the comments were, Ethical theological reflection is weak, ubiquitous, and leans heavily on partisan rhetoric without demonstrating nuance or reflection on the challenges inherent in the question. Please be more clear.

• Covers the Learn material from Module 1: Week 1 — Module 6: Week 6.
• Contains 5 essay questions.
• Each answer should be supported by at least 2 peer-reviewed scholarly sources.
• Each answer should include at least one reference from the Bible, and more if the question specifically requires it.
• All your answers should integrate biblical concepts and should be written from a biblical worldview and biblical perspective.
• Current APA format should be used.
• Each answer should be at minimum 300 words.
• Is limited to 3 hours.

Read: Bulger, Heitman, & Reiser: pp. 89 — 113
Module 1: Week 1 Introduction
To establish a foundation for the entire course, you will examine the importance of research ethics and the series of historical events that established the current ethical framework. It is from this framework that procedures were developed to help protect human subjects in research.
Learning Outcomes
Upon successful completion of this module, you will be able to:
Identify critical historical events that helped to establish current guidelines. Reflect on sources of self-deception and threats to the integrity of research. Describe the social and ethical responsibilities of scientists.

Review: Bulger, Heitman, & Reiser: pp. 3 — 54
Module 2: Week 2 Introduction
In this module, you will investigate how scientific discovery drives innovative advances that may lead to life-saving treatments. However, the potential benefits of scientific research coincide with the potential risks to participants which lead to the development of ethical principles to guide researchers.

Learning Outcomes
Upon successful completion of this module, you will be able to:
Identify the ethical principles of the Belmont Report.
Reflect on the events that led to the Nuremburg Code and its key elements.
Describe the importance of informed consent in the research process.

Read: Bulger, Heitman, & Reiser: pp. 117 — 150
Module 3: Week 3 Introduction
It is your responsibility as a researcher to ensure the protection of human subjects. You, as a researcher, are guided by ethical principles including respect for persons, justice, and beneficence. Additionally, oversight was developed in the form of the institutional review board (IRB) to ensure subjects are further protected.
Lerning Outcomes
Upon successful completion of this module, you will be able to:

Distinguish the two key elements that encompass respect for persons.
Determine the role of justice and beneficence in the protection of human subjects in research.
Describe the framework for which the IRB and FDA operate.

Read: Bulger, Heitman, & Reiser: pp. 57 — 63, 78 — 85, 155 — 216
Module 4: Week 4 Introduction
Understanding of the concepts that govern responsible conduct of scientists is critical for you as a researcher. Understanding established norms in situations and how to analyze complex situations where norms do not exist is essential for success in science.

Learning Outcomes
Upon successful completion of this module, you will be able to:
Articulate the framework for prevention of scientific misconduct.
Reflect on the value of science on the individual and social level.
Describe the importance of the process of how science advances and the intuitional role in this.

Read: Bulger, Heitman, & Reiser: pp. 68 — 70, 221 — 241
Module 5: Week 5 Introduction
In this module, you will investigate how the scientific process of inference is one that needs to be protected. However, there are many pitfalls in this process. Outside of gross misconduct, data acquisition, access, management and interpretation must also utilize good practices to maintain integrity.

Learning Outcomes
Upon successful completion of this module, you will be able to:
Identify the key elements to ensure objectivity of data collection and analysis.
Describe the concept and value of data sharing in the research process.
Explain the roles and responsibilities of the principal investigator.

Read: Bulger, Heitman, & Reiser: pp. 89 — 113
Module 6: Week 6 Introduction
In this module, you will examine the many facets of the publication process. Within the authorship framework, what determines justification for authorship and the impact of developing an ethical code for science authorship?

Learning Outcomes

Upon successful completion of this module, you will be able to:

Determine irresponsible and wasteful authorship.
Discuss the concept of ethical authorship guidelines.
Detail the purpose of publication and the responsibility associated with the process.

Topics and questions for each essay

List and describe the key criteria for a research proposal to be classified as exempt, expedited, or a full board review. Why are each of these important from a biblical perspective?

A) It has been proposed that the scientific community loses autonomy when scientific ethics come into conflict with social ethics. Do you agree with this statement? Why or Why not? B) Describe what this means in your own words, what it could mean for the general scientific community, for your academic institution, and your own research, when conflict occurs.

What are the challenges to ethically conduct research with vulnerable populations? Identify different vulnerable populations and current guidelines to protect these populations in regards to human subjects research.

Questions 4:
A common set of overarching ethical principles for conducting human subjects research have been adopted internationally. Describe how each of these overarching principles may apply to the following research activities: A) recruitment of participants; B) informed consent; C) collection of data; D) data analysis; and E) publication or presentation of the results. Include biblical concepts that inform your responses and explain how the biblical concepts are consistent or are in conflict with the ethical application that you describe.

Question 5:
Describe the unique contributions of The Declaration of Helsinki, The Belmont Report, and The Nuremberg Code. Provide specific examples for each in detail.

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