Ethical Considerations

The purpose of this discussion is to identify the IRB prescreening process and how this process works to gain IRB prescreening determination for the DNP practice change project.

Review this week’s readings and provide your response

  1. State your practice question in PICOT format.
    PICOT- In adult patients with mild to moderate depression at an outpatient mental health clinic, does implementation of MBSR compared to standard care improve depression symptoms in 8-10 weeks?
  2. How will you assure an ethical and protective process for all involved in this project, including patients and other stakeholders- What are the important considerations in protecting human subjects and confidential information in your project? How will you ensure an ethical and protective process for all involved in this project, including patients and other stakeholders?
  3. Update on your project status- Is IRB approval required from your project site? – NO

Use Grammarly and current APA format for the posts

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