The literary essay on science in early childhood education and in pre-school education
Write an essay on science (environmental studies) in early childhood and in pre-school education. The essay is going to be 7 pages with 1,5. Start to write an essay based on the articles provided
below. You should use at least 4 articles from the list. Other relevant sources are also allowed. Mark the references in text and to the end of the source list.
Include the following in the essay:
- Title and to the bottom right corner of the title page, your name and e-mail address
Following subtitles: - The objectives of the environmental education with early childhood and pre-school age
- Science in early childhood and in pre-school education
- Young children’s motivation, interest, and self-efficacy in science
- Investigative and inquiry learning in early childhood
- Outdoor learning environment
- Why teach and learn outside?
Outdoor learning spaces
Harris, Frances. “Outdoor Learning Spaces: The Case of Forest School.” Area (London 1969) 50.2 (2018):
222–231. Web.
The courtyard area and environment of the kindergarten and the preschool as learning environment and
the importance of the yard for children’s health.
Barrable, A. & Arvanitis, A. 2018. “Flourishing in the Forest: Looking at Forest School through a SelfDetermination Theory Lens.” Journal of outdoor and environmental education 22.1 (2019): 39–55. Web.
Mårtensson, F., Boldemann, C., Söderström, M., Blennow, M., Englund, J.-E. & Grahn, P. 2009. Outdoor
environmental assessment of attention promoting settings for preschool children. Health & Place 15
(2009), 1149 – 1157.
Puhakka, R. et al. “Greening of Daycare Yards with Biodiverse Materials Affords Well-Being, Play and
Environmental Relationships.” International journal of environmental research and public health 16.16
(2019): 2948–. Web.
Roslund, M., Puhakka, R., Grönroos, M., Nurminen, N., Oikarinen, S., Gazali, AM., Cinek, O., Kramná, L.,
Siter, N., Vari, HJ., Soininen, L., Parajuli, A., Rajaniemi, J., Kinnunen, T., Laitinen, OH., Hyöty, H., Sinkkonen,
A. 2020. Biodiversity intervention enhances immune regulation and health-associated commensal.
Children’s motivation, interest and self-efficacy in Science
Anders, Y., Hardy, I., Sodian, B. & Steffensky, M. 2018. Goals at the Level of the Children (pp. 107-136) in
Anders, Y. et al. (Ed.). Early Science Education – Goals and Process-Related Quality Criteria for Science
Teaching. Vol. 5. Opladen: Barbara Budrich Publishers, 2018. Web.
Science in preschool, objectives and activities
Andersson, K., & Gullberg;A. 2014. “What Is Science in Preschool and What Do Teachers Have to Know to
Empower Children?” Cultural studies of science education 9.2 (2014): 275–296. Web.
Finish National Agency of Education. 2018. National core curriculum for early childhood education and care
- Regulations and guidelines 2018:3C.
Finish National Agency of Education. National Core Curriculum for Pre-primary Education 2014. Publications
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