Energy Boost

Question 1

Writing Assignment: Carry the Torch

The finish line is in sight now. Flags are waving! The crowd is cheering! Absorb that final energy boost. Use the following checklist to be sure you have completed all the required parts of this research project, then put the finishing touches on it.

  • Select a professional presentation method (a written report, an oral report, or web page layout).
  • Organize your information into one of the formats.
  • Add media enhancements to make your presentation interesting.
  • Use embedded quotes with MLA citations in your presentation (a minimum of 6).
  • Use paraphrased and summarized information with MLA citations.
  • Create a Works Cited Page that uses assignment rubric.

Question 2


  • Read the E.B. White essay “Once More to the Lake” before going to the testing center.
    • Story (PDF file) attached.
  • Review the four elements of nonfiction: Voice, Style, Structure, and Ideas before you attempt the essay.
  • Study those elements until you understand them well enough to locate quotes from White’s essay that represent those four elements.
  • Develop your own opinions on those elements, how they help you interpret the meaning (the theme) of the essay.
  • Prepare to write your essay on those elements.


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