In the first part of the paper, explain what Affective Computer is and describe its significance as an Emerging Technology. In the second part of your report you will need to summarize one scholarly article related to affective computing. Be sure that the article is scholarly. Use another article other than the one posted in blackboard.
Be sure to cite your sources and proofread! You can submit your report through the homework tab using the link labeled “Affective Computing Report” by Monday June 25th.
Our next topic is Affective Computing. It is a topic related to HCI, but unlike most HCI research, usability is not the important part. The focus of Affective computing is emotions and technology. It also is concerned with how emotions can be measured and used as input into many forms of technology we use every day.
Below are a few links that are related that may be of interest. The first is a short Tedx Talk video on Technology and Emotions. Transcripts are available by clicking on the ellipsis icon above the subscribe button. It will give you an option to open the transcript.”
Question 2
Terrorism is a complex topic. In this essay define and discuss terrorism and the key issues you have learned in class for a reader who does not know about this subject. In your essay make sure you discuss the following topics:
The general activities undertaken by terrorist organizations using historical examples discussed in class or our readings.
The role of the media in terrorism.
The Palestine Question.
A terrorist group from the A List.
Remember this essay may be thought of as a term paper exercise. Take your time. Use examples from the academic literature and events discussed in class lectures or our other readings to support your answer. Your essays should be at 1200 words in length.
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