Electronic shopping case study

Review the article “A Look at the e-Shopping Habits of U.S. and Chinese Millennial Then:

  1. Describe how this reflects the challenges and opportunities facing the global marketer.
  2. Describe at least two strategies for overcoming these challenges, and at least one strategy to seize the opportunities.
  3. Explain how the cultural differences impact the marketing plans and tactics in the United States and China?
  4. Locate at least one article on current international business news (e.g., Wall Street Journal, Forbes, and Fortune) about e-shopping and/or international marketing and relate it to the case.
  5. Describe the framework of analysis and research approaches that can be used to assess the opportunities presented by e-shopping globally (e.g., segmentation analysis, target market analysis). Then, address the following specific aspects of research:
  • This case study used data collected from a telephone survey. Review the data and describe how useful you think this method was for this particular case study. • What additional method(s) would you recommend to expand on the existing data? Support your recommendation by providing an article or another case study that uses the method effectively.
  1. Describe at least one legal consideration that should be addressed when marketing internationally.


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