Directions: Address each of the questions below in complete sentences. The answers you provide to these questions will help guide your research project, particularly the methodology and methods section, and can also be used toward your final paper.
1. Briefly describe the objective and goals of your research project. What you hope to accomplish and why? What is your research question? What is the background of this project?
● What are your goals?
● What are you looking at?
● What is your Research Question?
● What is your hypothesis?
● What do you want to do?
2. What method(s) of data collection are you using for this project?
● Which approach or approaches (quantitative/qualitative/mixed-methods) do you intend to use for this project?
● What scales or instruments are you using for this project? Specify whether you created them or not. If not, where did you find them?
3. Describe the involvement of the human participants in this project. What will they be doing? Who are the participants? How many participants will be involved in the project? Specify how they will be recruited (e.g. advertisements, announcements in class, e-mail, internet, etc.), how long the research will last (the length of each session and the number of sessions) and where it will be conducted?
● Who are your participants?
● What will they be doing?
● How will recruitment work?
● How will they be recruited?
● How long will the study last for?
● Where will it be done?
4. What are the expected risks and benefits associated with this study? If there are any risks, use the space below to describe how you will minimize or control them.
● Describe the potential risks and benefits to the student.
● Describe in detail how confidentiality will be maintained.
● Where will you keep data?
● How will it be kept? Where will it be kept?
5. What are the limitations in your research and methods?
● Describe the limitations of your study
● Describe your researcher’s stance. (Who you are and how it affects your interests in your topic)
Methodology Tip Sheet
Introduction- you don’t need the heading.
Each section must have an introduction, this section is no different. In this introduction you say what methodology you’re using and why it fits with your topic. Make sure to related this back to your research objective and cite the textbook and your literature as necessary.
Data Collection Procedures
Data Source
Here you talk extensively about your population. Why are you choosing this population?
Data Collection
What method are you using? What steps will you take to collect the data? Where and when will you collect it? Make sure to thoroughly explain why.
Data Analysis
How will you analysis your data? Will you use the Qualtrics software or manual analysis then use excel?
Statement of Participants’ Rights
This section is for you ethical explanation of how you will treat your study participants. Make sure to think about any risk that may be involved.
What may be limitations in your study?
Researcher’s Stance
Talk about your background and bias as it relates to your study.
*Your instrument questions should be attached as an appendix.
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