Economic Studies

Question 1

This discussion focuses on explaining the reasons why “present economic studies” ignore the time value of money. What are the assumptions and when do these assumptions apply? Cite at least two references including your textbook. If you cite your textbook, mention the page number.

No plagiarism.

write one page and have to cite it correctly

Question 2

Transportation has played a tremendous role in shaping the economy and social structure of the United States. Create a PowerPoint presentation that outlines what you consider to be the most significant regulations and policies that have had the impact on air, ground, rail, and ocean transportation. Provided at least 1 regulation and 1 policy per mode of transportation. Be sure to include the following:

  • Title slide
  • Description of each regulation or policy
  • Explanation as to what led to the creation of the regulation or policy
  • Explanation of the regulation or policy’s impact on the mode of transportation
  • Explanation of critical elements of the regulation or policy
  • Citations and References according to APA format

Note: Complete speaker notes of 200–250 words for each slide.

8-10 slide

title page

reference page

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