Disaster Management Discussion


For this week’s discussion, you are asked to research a bioterrorist incident.

Give an example and details from national/international news of a bioterrorist attack. 

Address all of the following in your post:

  • What was the classification of biological agent used in the attack?
  • Discuss the implications of the biological agent.
  • Discuss the therapy for the biological agent.
  • What are the decontamination procedures for the biological agent used in the attack?
  • Define the appropriate level of PPE required for this type of biological agent?

In your post, provide the name of the incident you have chosen, and support your answers with evidence/examples. Please provide a working link and a citation for your source(s).

Support your answer with evidence from scholarly sources.



For this week’s discussion, we will be looking at local or national response protocols that were initiated during a critical incident, and you will choose your topic!

Search reputable local and national media for a man-made disaster to discuss.

Search for critical instances such as: hostage situations, mass shootings, multiple-vehicle or mass transit accidents with multiple critical injuries, and disease outbreaks.

In your initial post, describe the incident and address the following:

  • Determine the incident type and explain your reasoning.
  • What resources were deployed for this incident?
  • What protocols were implemented successfully, and which were unsuccessful?
  • Discuss way to improve the response to this type of incident in the future.

Support your answer with evidence. Please provide a working link to your story source.

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