Difference Between Traditional And Modern Learning Methods

In the table below, document a sound, robust research study that investigates a problem pertaining to a real-world instructional solution. You will complete this table in six phases that coincide with the six topics of the EID-520 course (e.g., “Topic 1” is represented by “T1” in the table).

Problem Statement (T1):

The instruction materials have the same objective of delivering the instructional solution and achieving the same learnings. However, this is not always the case for online learning. Traditional education has a very high level of engagement, unlike online learning, where attention is one of the main challenges. Class engagement is crucial as it enables the learners to increase their collaborative skills, effectiveness, performance, and understanding. Therefore, the main problem that needs to be addressed is how online learning can be more engaging while introducing and adapting technology to encourage the learners and at the same time will allow for the understandings to be measured accordingly. The hybrid course can be a risk in collecting all the data needed in the class due to collecting data in two different formats and calculating grade performance in two different levels and understanding.

Along with that, traditional online courses can be a bit boring, too, especially when all the content is in text format. With the help of gamified content, the conventional boring class can be more successful and engaging. At the same time, students can enhance and develop high-level cognitive skills.

Instructional Solution (T1)Research Questions (T1)
The instructional solution will focus on the micro-credentialing course and the advantages of implementing visual imaging and gamified content to increase the engagement and participation of the students in the classroom. Micro-credentialing will certify the learning outcomes of short-term learning experiences and offer a flexible way to help the learner develop the knowledge and competencies needed for personal and professional development.RQ 1: What are the advantage of implementing visual imaging content and a gamification format in micro-credential courses?  
RQ 2: Can micro-credential courses run smoothly without implementing a hybrid teaching and mainly focusing on online education?
 Data Sources (T2)Research Methods (T2)Timeline (T3 and T4)
RQ 1:  Gamification can be broken down into different elements that bring specific advantages and disadvantages to educational processes. It is defined as introducing games or applying fun aspects to make learning more enjoyable. The primary data for gamification that is qualitative is the actual course & the learning management system. The quantitative tools or devices where the application’s compatibility will be tested and applied. These sources will help integrate the actual course materials into gamified content compatible with a different platform such as mobile, desktop, and tablet that will be accessible to all the learners. These sources can encourage engagement through their design, ultimately creating an environment that focuses on learning and information retention. Implementing gamification in a micro-credential course is vital to increase and reach the goal of eLearning (Brain, 2021).A thorough investigation through the learning management system will be performed for three days to generate the report of the actual student progress in the class. It will give a piece of precise data information on how often students use and read the resources materials loaded in the course. Monitoring the activities can determine whether gamified content will benefit micro-credential settings. Additionally, creating an online and course survey at the end of the class to generate the student opinion and experiences will be vital to completing the research. Ensuring that the survey questions are well-written will increase the response rate and conveniently collect real-time progress and enhancement data. Research methods for this type of content can gather quickly through their online course shell and the learning management system datahub along with the information. The advantages of performing an online and actual course survey are that it is necessary to generate genuine feedback from the student, and they will be reminded to access it before the end of the course (Explorance, 2022).  Proposed: 4 weeks
Actual: 2 weeks The proposed timeframe to monitor and see the accuracy of the research survey is four weeks; since the course runs to four weeks, the result is generated through the student performances and activities in the class. These are necessary steps to determine if the gamification content will be implemented in a micro-credential course. However, using the learning management system datahub can be very useful to generate quick and easy reports since this platform can monitor the student activities and progress embedded in the actual course shell that can download the class report. With 72 hours timeframe availability for the survey to populate in the course, it gives the student enough time to participate and provide their feedback that will be beneficial in the research to investigate the urgency of the implementation process. The learners’ data collection will give the developer enough data to allow the report that can be collected in the actual learning management system datahub.  The data collection process is optional since the learning data management hub is assessable. The data collection process is effective and efficient since it is an architectural process that allows proper data management. In conclusion,  the information obtained after the data analysis is durable and completes the research with high data accuracy. The process takes around ten days since it gives time to the learners.  
RQ 2:  Hybrid courses can be a time-consuming learning process as the learner needs to meet and agree on the schedule provided for them to attend the face-to-face training. The qualitative way of providing the best information to learning adults is to study at their own pace and time. Providing complete online learning that will let them manage their time efficiently will enhance their motivation to learn more and b productive. Training and resources can be added in the LMS for fix solutions to encourage the learner to develop self-insight. On the other hand, the quantitative strategies of when they completed each week’s tasks or online topic will gain or receive badges that can be used for professional growth. Converting the traditional hybrid course into fully online classes will benefit the student time-wise by eliminating the hassle of driving to school and attending long hours. The advantages are virtual, affordable, and flexible (Miller, 2019). The student will better understand the value of time management as they learn to build self-control to complete the task assigned weekly.  The current micro-credential course is in a hybrid format. The proposed research method is an online survey and an in-person interview to generate the appropriate solution to complete each research task (Explorance, 2022). Implementing the online poll embedded in the course will be ideal for generating feedback and reflecting on the study’s objective and the student’s opinion. However, thorough research is needed to build the questionnaires to help learners understand and transcribe the information. Identifying the current situation and how this can help improve the existing online learning design will prove a quicker data report with valid data information, which is the main factor of the online survey. Along with that, an in-person interview with the instructor will be performed to generate both learner’s and the educator’s perspectives. Collecting a diverse research method can be beneficial in identifying what data to keep and what is not realistic to sustain the research.Proposed: 2 – 4 weeks

Actual: 1 week Implementing an entirely online course and eliminating the hybrid format are ideal. The proposed research method uses online surveys and personalized interviews to generate effective and appropriate solutions for the current micro-credential class. The online poll aims to reflect on the study’s objectives to determine the opinions of the survey (Nardi, 2018). Conducting an online survey help improve the data collection process by supplementing the personalized interviews. Micro-credentialing demonstrates that education may be broken down into smaller portions while producing the same material as a typical online program. Thus, administering physical and online questionnaires assists the process of data collection in micro-credential, which enhances the validity of the data. The process takes seven days to collect the data.  
Analysis Methods (T3)
RQ 1:  The survey data can be analyzed in multiple ways and methods. Providing an appropriate data survey and questionnaire can be crucial in the research process. However, This will allow the developer to enhance and obtain a great source of information and knowledge. It will create a roadmap and insightful judgments. Critics can be a valuable source to create something powerful and enhance the current micro-credential course with a different method of data implementation. It is critical to be aware of possible obstacles that might complicate the analysis, leading to biased findings (Sterne et al., 2019). When an excessive number of well-written questions are present, the survey is professionally created to reflect the current and proposed content can accumulate positive outcomes. Occasionally, too many questions may confuse and complicate the qualitative conclusions that are mathematically based and course-intensive errors. In contrast, deciding on questions like interviews can be more manageable to ensure that the survey will filter and analyze simple and successful outcomes. It is always advisable to follow the provided steps to decide the type of information to use. This process will determine the intended data to obtain favorable outcomes and identify the research objectives that can be beneficial to develop a specific strategy to collect data and define the timeframe for accuracy and continual process (Jo & Gebru, 2020).
RQ 2:  Conducting extensive data analysis to convert and transform the raw data into valuable sources is vital to gathering insightful documents to support converting a hybrid format course to a fully online class. Providing simple charts and graphs to analyze the process is beneficial for long-term results. This seems so old fashion but, it can generate the process and accuracy of the research and can transform the data into life. In addition, these can enhance the timeframe of the process and quickly summarize the data qualification and filter the information that will be useful and those that need to store in the database for future use. To get even more information, use the possibility of converting all of those feedback into a quantitative data collection. It is necessary to choose the data collecting technique that serves as the foundation for the data collection approach. To select the most appropriate collecting technique, one must examine the information they want to gather, the timeframe for obtaining it, and any other factors set for the study. The most important part of the research for this proposal is to keep consistency and monitor the progress regularly and revise the strategies if needed to match the research needs.
 Findings (T5)Next Steps (T6)
RQ 1:    
RQ 2:    

Topic 1 Justification: 

This project aims to find a solution that can benefit and enhance the student’s engagement in the classroom. Also, to improve the teaching journey of the educators by implementing some advanced technologies, tools, and strategies to encourage the learner to develop a firm foundation and make the pathway to gain self-confidence and better professional advancement. It is based on the actual micro-credentialing course that runs two to four weeks in hybrid settings. The content is built online, and students can access it 24/7 in the learning management system platform. However, the students must participate in an on-ground training once a week, mainly choosing Saturday class or Sunday. This process ensures that the students learn and can implement the knowledge they learned in a real-life scenario.

Microcredentialling is different from a traditional online and on-ground program. It promotes self-enhancement and demonstrates competency of a specific area to enhance new and existing skills that students can attain faster and easier to manage time efficiently. Students will then be awarded digital badges once they complete the course.

The proposed solution is to improve the existing micro-credentialing course and find an alternative way to enhance and transition the hybrid settings into fully equipped online courses that provide all the student’s needs. Utilizing gamification courses can change the standard teaching and learning process. It promotes engagement and encourages the student to participate in each activity for long-term benefits to retain information and increase productivity. It trains the brain to produce specific cognitive development skills. On the other hand, gamified content will provide visual engagement and help the student focus and avoid retention on learning. It will encourage the learner to work on their preparation time management with full attention in the course, increasing the level of curiosity and enthusiasm. Thus learners become more engaging and motivated to learn more.

Topic 2 Justification:

The micro-credential course is one of the most advanced and leading e-learning courses now in the market. More universities and colleges are implanting this new and quick way of learning and generating a professional certification of the existing and new skills. Professionals who want to attain new skills are leaning toward this. It provides digital badges that can reflect in their transcript and can b downloaded to add to any social media platform. Implementing a gamification course allow the learner to focus on their online studying journey that increases the appearance of the course to be more engaging, and learners can process information in a more advanced and technical way of learning without them noticing that they are studying. This learning technique will encourage the learners to be more productive and develop skills that retain knowledge and acquire new skills.

Gamification is beneficial for learning adults, specifically for training purposes that optimizes a potential to be more competitive and improve confidence knowing each week’s topic. It allows the learner to achieve their target goal when they win the game or complete the task assigned. It gives the learner a sense of satisfaction and establishes a solid start to complete the program. When learners are having fun while learning, it removes the stress and the anxiety of thinking that they might fail the class.

e-Learning courses evolve throughout the years, and micro-credentialing is proven proof that education can break down into small pieces and generate the same information as the traditional online program. The micro-credential has many benefits to people who do not have much time to juggle work, family, and school. It gives the individuals the opportunity to grow and improve their current skills and develop a new area of study to strengthen their career goals. Eliminating the hybrid classes and face-to-face training can be more beneficial to busy people to manage the time accordingly. As micro-credentials are still young and rapidly growing, the solution to make a course entirely online and develop the course materials and training on a video format can be helpful. Therefore, micro-credentials can be powerful and beneficial to any working professionals that want to further enhance their profession and generate badges online (Loyola University, 2022). It saves time and energy to study without detraction and work at their own comfort and pace.

The research methods will be restricted and classified into multiple elements such as personal, emotional, and mechanical method categories. Mechanical and Personal are quantitative and include incremental progression, onboarding, instant feedback, goals and quests, collective responsibility, and leaderboards. At the same time, emotional is more qualitative, which deals with the flow and balance between challenges and skills. Applying the incremental progression system allows the learners to adapt and be flexible to different levels of challenges, thus expanding their skill sets and helping them to have clear definitions of their objective and remain focused and motivated. And with the use of leader boards, learners will be able to monitor their achievement, though this might harm those who are down the line in the leader board, which may suffer the loss of confidence and motivation. The different types of survey research, like online surveys, can be completed in an automated format. Typically, a survey has significant items, including a question, a check item, on a researcher’s reference item that appears within the survey instruments. The items have question names that start with an abbreviation of the section where each is positioned. The following appendix section is an example or sample of a survey used to analyze an instructional design solution to gamification implementation and full-online classes in education.

Topic 3 Justification:

It is essential to carry out a thorough investigation to determine the data collection methods for the learning management system to identify if gamification implementation is necessary. The research is conducted using an online survey through which survey questions are administered in the learning management course and can download the student report from the data hub. The survey will be available on the platform for 72 hours to ensure enough time to collect data from the learners. The learning management data hub integrates education systems built online, and they help collect data. The learning management datahub system supports data collection for this research since the storage layer of the database corresponds to the needs of the data modeling and database management. The data collection process is optional since the learning data management hub is assessable. The data collection process is effective and efficient since it is an architectural process that allows proper data management. Therefore, the information obtained after the analysis of the data is accurate. The process takes around 10 days since it gives time to the learners.

The proposed research method uses online surveys and personalized interviews to generate effective and appropriate solutions for the current micro-credential class. The online poll aims to reflect on the study’s objectives to determine the opinions of the survey (Nardi, 2018). Conducting an online survey help improve the data collection process by supplementing the personalized interviews. Micro-credentialing demonstrates that education may be broken down into smaller portions while producing the same material as a typical online program. Thus, administering physical and online questionnaires assists the process of data collection in micro-credential, which enhances the validity of the data. The process takes seven days to collect the data.

There are numerous methods to analyze survey data. Appropriate survey data analysis is critical for obtaining the knowledge and insights necessary to make more informed judgments. It is crucial to be aware of possible obstacles that might complicate the analysis, leading to biased findings (Sterne et al., 2019). By asking an excessive number of open-ended questions, the researchers lengthen and complicate the study by producing qualitative conclusions that are not mathematically based. Meanwhile, closed-ended questions in interviews and online surveys provide more manageable outcomes. Having the appropriate tools and knowledge assists in ensuring that survey analysis is both simple and successful. It is necessary to conduct extensive data analysis to transform your raw data into actionable insights provided in simple-to-understand forms. Automatic charts and graphs, as well as word clouds, help bring data to life. For example, Sentiment Analysis enables you to quickly summarize people’s feelings based on numerous open text replies. Additionally, it is essential to promptly scan good, neutral, and negative attitudes or filter by sentiment to uncover areas that want work. To get even more information, one may consider the possibility of converting all of those critics into a quantitative data collection. Following that, it is necessary to develop a strategy for data collection by defining a timeline like collecting the data continually (Jo & Gebru, 2020). The  DMP may be used to store and organize the data.

Additionally, one must adhere to their strategy and regularly monitor its progress. For online research surveys, it is essential to obtain some information on the respondents to determine if they meet the requirements for the study and if they are in the target population.  It is necessary to choose the data collecting technique that serves as the foundation for the data collection approach. To select the most appropriate collecting technique, one must examine the information they want to gather, the timeframe for obtaining it, and any other factors set for the study. Once the plan is complete, one begins implementing the data gathering method and collecting data. The  DMP may be used to store and organize the data. Additionally, one must adhere to their strategy and regularly monitor its progress

Topic 4 Justification:

 (insert week  answer here then paraphrase it on T4 timeline)

Appendix A

We are trying to analyze technology applications by assessing an instructional design solution. There are no right or wrong answers to these questions, and we are interested in knowing your perspectives, so please answer where applicable. All responses will be entirely anonymous.

  1. Please provide the level of engagement in your class from 10 being the higher and 0 being the lowest
  2. Please describe the level of technology you have
  3. How often do you use technology in class?

Often                       Rarely                            Never

  • Are the hybrid classes meet your learning needs?
  • Are the instructional strategies student’s centered or not?

Yes                                  No

  1. What teaching models do you utilize in class?
  2. Are you willing to see a gamification implementation as part of your course?
  1. If so, Will you be willing to participate in gamified course demo?
  2. Will you consider attending fully online classes?
  3.  Please describe what we need to improve in the LMS and course design to meet your expectation


Brain, C. (2021). 6 gamification strategy tips for your business. Everyone Social. https://everyonesocial.com/blog/gamification-strategy-tips/

Explorance. (2022). 10 key advantages of using online surveys. https://explorance.com/blog/10-key-advantages-of-using-online-surveys-2-2/

Jo, E. S., & Gebru, T. (2020). Lessons from archives: Strategies for collecting sociocultural data in machine learning. In Proceedings of the 2020 conference on fairness, accountability, and transparency (pp. 306-316). https://dl.acm.org/doi/abs/10.1145/3351095.3372829

Loyola University. (2022) Micro-credentials for professional learning. Loyola University Maryland. https://www.loyola.edu/school-education/academics/continuing-education/micro-credentials

Miller, K. (2019). The benefits of online learning: 7 Advantages of online degrees. Northeastern University. https://www.northeastern.edu/graduate/blog/benefits-of-online-learning/

Nardi, P. M. (2018). Doing survey research: A guide to quantitative methods. Routledge.

Sterne, J. A., Hernán, M. A., McAleenan, A., Reeves, B. C., & Higgins, J. P. (2019). Assessing risk of bias in a non‐randomized study. Cochrane handbook for systematic reviews of interventions, 621-641. https://training.cochrane.org/handbook/current/chapter-25

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