– Choose an article from a professional journal that publishes research pertaining to developmental psychology. Examples of acceptable journals are: Developmental Psychology, Cognition, Journal of Child Language, Child Development, Infant Behavior and Development, Psychological Review, Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology and Infant Mental Health Journal. The article must be from a peer reviewed journal; it must be empirical (i.e. it should not be a literature review/summary – check that participants are cited), it should not include more than 2 experiments and should not involve undecipherable (on your part) statistics.
– The critique should be headed with a proper citation of your article. The following is an example of a proper citation.
Zheng, M. and Goldin-Meadow, S. (2002). Thought before language: how deaf and hearing children express motion events across cultures. Cognition. 85, 145-175.
– The paper should include a summary of each of the four parts of a research article, namely the Introduction/Literature Review section, the Methodology section, the Results section, and the Conclusion/Discussion section.
– The paper should also include a thoughtful critique of each relevant section. For example, are the researcher’s questions important and hypotheses reasonable? Does the researcher use sound methodology or do you see problems? Are the results that are cited clear and accurate? Are the researcher’s conclusions valid given the presented evidence? What are the shortcomings/limitations of the research reported in the article? Can you think of other possible investigations that would further our understanding of the topic addressed in the article?
– The paper should be approximately 1,000 words.
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