Deontology And Utilitarianism


Kant’s Deontology versus Utilitarianism: which component of ethical edition-making is most important to Kant and which is most important to Mill? Who presents the better ethical theory and why?

Marissa Mendoza

Manage Discussion Entry

Kant and Mill took very different approaches to their ethical theories. Kant’s theory is mainly focused on people’s motive and how that has an effect on morality whereas Mill focuses more so on how morality is actually based on the result of the consequences of actions. Both theories differ in many ways but it was definitely interesting to think of the happiness component of it. Kant claims that happiness has no connection with the morality of an action where Mill, on the other hand, seems to feel that it is one of the top priorities for one to act accordingly to whether something will bring happiness, meaning pleasure and the absence of pain. Kant focuses his idea a lot on the basis of duty and how important it is. He seemed to feel that feelings were not something good to base ethical decision making off of and that makes sense. I personally feel that Mill’s approach is a little more realistic and accurate. He looks at the consequences of his actions whereas Kant does not, which would likely result in chaotic consequences because he did not thoroughly evaluate them as to what end results would look like.

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