Demographic, Ethnic Background or Substance Abuse.

For this assignment, you are given the opportunity to walk through the steps of identifying, assessing,
diagnosing, and formulating a treatment plan for a substance abusing individual. You will use your
coursework, literature reviews, and references to help support your client demographic, ethnic
background or substance abuse.
To begin and complete this assignment successfully, please follow the following steps:
Step 1: Identify a Client

  1. To begin, you will need to identify a substance abusing individual to complete this assignment.
    You can use anyone that you know in your personal life or an actual client. The client can come
    from a present placement, work site, or past work. If you are unable to identify anyone, you may
    also use a fictional character, but please make sure you have enough information to complete the
    assessment. Please note that an actual person tends to work better for this assignment and that
    you are NOT allowed to use yourself as this defeats the purpose of the assignment.
  2. De-identify the client information if you are using an actual client for your assignment.
    Step 2: Identify Research
  3. Identify research done through a literature review that shows research related to your client
    demographic, ethnic background, or substance abuse.
  4. Use at least three additional reference sources (peer reviewed journals and/or professional
    books) in addition to the assigned text.
    Step 3: Complete the following Outline
    Please use the following subsections as an outline. That is, use the suggested subheadings to identify each part that you are required to address. This adds clarity to
    the overall paper.
  5. Introduction: Identify demographics of a client, the substance abused, the agency they are
    presenting to that you work for, and the treatment programs available at that agency. (3 points)
  6. Literature Review: Find three research articles related to the demographic of the client and/ or
    the substance of abuse and how they relate to your client. That is, you want to use articles that
    help you understand what the research states about issues common to your client (5 points)
  7. Use a theory to describe the origin or cause of the problem for your client based on what we
    received in the readings and discussions in class. (8 points)
  8. Apply a screening device tool that we covered in class to your client. If you cannot administer it,
    then report what you think the client would answer and then report the results. (8 points)
  9. Diagnosis and appropriate EBPs: Briefly summarize pertinent biopsychosocial factors and
    symptoms that helps to explain the diagnosis. (NOTE: please DON’T use an actual document that
    you use for an agency). Then formulate a diagnosis. Make sure that you include the specific
    diagnosis and the severity level as well as the criteria the person meets in order to qualify for
    the diagnosis. Finally, briefly note what EBP(s) are appropriate for the diagnosis. Provide
    citations to support these choices. (8 points)
  10. Special Policy Considerations: Identify and describe the policy issues that specifically impact
    your client especially regarding unique needs or issues of your client (dual diagnosis, special
    population etc.). How does this affect the person’s substance misuse? (8 points)
    The following additional criteria will be used for grading the paper:
    Student’s critical and independent thinking about the issue is clearly demonstrated throughout the
    paper (8 points):
    • Students clearly identify which ideas reflect their own thinking and interpretation. That is, the
    student’s ideas can be distinguished from those of authors referenced.
    • Likewise, ideas are logically presented. The discussion offers a cohesive synthesis of the
    literature cited. Thus, can the reader understand the logic and reasoning for the points being
    made? NOTE: If we don’t understand what you mean, we cannot give you the points!
    • Please avoid using lots of or long quotes to “write the paper”. Quotes are fine, but you need to
    paraphrase what you quote to demonstrate you understand the material and can express it in
    your own words. You will lose points if it seems as if you are using quotes to write the paper.

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