Data Assignment 1


Assignment Part A: Creating a graphic to illustrate data (2 points)

  1.  Visit the CDC’s National Center for Health Statistics:
  2. Click on Data and Tools
  3. Click on Stats of the States
  4. Click on Tennessee
  5. Create a graphic (chart or graph) that breaks down the leading causes of death in the state of Tennessee.  Your graphic must have a title and labels so that a reader knows exactly what they are looking at with no more than a one sentence description accompanying it.

Assignment Part B: Creating a Pivot Chart in Excel (this will be turned in as a separate excel spreadsheet in the same dropbox) 3 points

  1. Visit the CDC’s National Center for Health Statistics:
  2. Click on Data and Tools
  3. Click on Stats of the States
  4. Click on Tennessee
  5. Click on 1 of the 10 TN Leading Causes of Death
  6. Scroll Down & Click on “Download Data (CSV)”
    1. Save this in your downloads
  7. Open up a Microsoft Excel
  1. Open a New Excel Document, or open a new worksheet in your existing Excel workbook.
  2. Navigate to the “Data” tab.
  3. Click on the “From Text” button.
  4. Navigate to the folder holding the .csv file you want to open and click on the correct file name.
  5. Click “Load”


  1.  First, delete the URL column—you do not need this one so you can get rid of it
  2. Click “Insert” and select “Pivot Table”
  3. Select all of the data
  4. On the right side, drag “Year” into the Columns box, drag “State” into the Rows box, and drag “deaths” into the values box
  5. Click “insert line chart”
  6. Click on “State” in the bottom right corner of the chart and only select 10 states of your choosing
  7. Make 2 accurate statements that you derived from this data

Assignment Part C: 3 points

  1. Visit the HEALTH DATA folder on D2L and locate the Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance System (YRBSS)
  2. Review the data in health topics; Tobacco Use, Sexual Behaviors & Physical Activity
  3. Apply the BPR Model Formula to prioritize these three areas of health (see page 94-95)
  4. Show your work with the BPR formula discussing how you came up with your scores for A, B, C & D for each health topic.
  5. Rank the three health topics 1-3 based on your scores.

Assignment Part D: Social Math (2 points)

Social math is the practice of translating statistics and other data so they become interesting to the journalist, and meaningful to the audience.

  1. Find a health statistic that you would like to apply the concept of “social math” to (perhaps a large number that is hard to grasp).
  2. Write out the statistic and the source. (1 point)
  3. Create a sentence that applies “social math” to the statistic (1 point)
  4. Write the source in APA format


A: $2.9 trillion was spent on health in 2013 in the US.

Applying Social Math: In 2013, $2.9 trillion was spent on health in the US which is the equivalent to $9255 for every person in the country. (Hartman, et al., 2015)

Source A in APA:

Hartman, M., Martin, A., Lassman, D. & Catlin, A. (2015). National health spending in 2013: Growth slows, remains in step with overall economy. Health Affairs, 34(1), 150-160.

B: There have been 20,830,000 premature deaths due to smoking and second hand smoke from 1965 to 2014.

Applying Social Math:  There have been 20,830,000 premature deaths due to smoking and second hand smoke in the past 50 years which is enough people to fill Yankee Stadium 384 times. (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2021)

Source B in APA:

Centers of Disease Control and Prevention. (2021). Smoking & tobacco use.

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