Cyber Attack

Traditional Research – Introduction Paper

Project Title: Cyber-attacks are increasing on the internet and smart phone devices. (The purpose of this research to find specific issues and potential solutions to these cyber-attacks. This research will use the qualitative approach to gather data from cyber security professionals in order to identify the issues and solutions of this cyber-attacks)

Title Page (1page separate from other pages)

Table of Contents (pages as needed and separate from other pages)

List of Tables, Figures and Appendices (pages as needed and separate from other pages)

  • Abstract (1page separate from other pages)
  • Project Overview
  • Introduction (pages as needed)
  • Problem Statement
  • Research Question(s)
  • Rationale (pages as needed)
  • Stakeholders Involved
  • Definitions (if applicable) (pages as needed)
  • Hypothesis (if applicable) (pages as needed)

The paper should contain at least 7-8 pages, not count the title page table page and reference page

The paper should contain at least 7-8 pages of content not count title page, table page and a reference page.

Paper Requirements:

* Abstract, Table of contents, Introduction, conclusion and sub headings are mandatory

* APA Format should follow all APA rules (citations, quotations, references)

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