Customer Relationship Management System


Accounting firms prioritize efficiency, accuracy, and client happiness in the changing financial services industry. Jones Accounting is developing a cutting-edge Customer Tax Portal under Jane Rogers, a smart and competent manager. The Customer Tax Portal initiative aims to reinvent client-accounting interactions. This effort shows the firm’s dedication to staying ahead of the industry and meeting clients’ changing needs. This Scope Management Plan underpins the Customer Tax Portal project. It provides a structured method for defining, validating, and regulating the project scope to meet time, money, and resource restrictions.

The Jones Accounting Customer Tax Portal project manager, Jane Rogers, manages the scope. Jane manages scope planning, definition, verification, and control; she will lead the project team to follow the scope management strategy and meet the firm’s strategic goals as a seasoned project manager.
Scope Definition

A thorough approach will determine the Customer Tax Portal project’s scope:
• Scope: A scope statement will define the project’s objectives, deliverables, restrictions, and assumptions. It will define the project’s scope and guide scope management.
• Work Breakdown Structure (WBS): Under Jane’s direction, the project team will create a hierarchical WBS that breaks the project into manageable work pieces. This breakdown will help plan, allocate, and track project progress.
• WBS Dictionary: A WBS Dictionary will describe each work package, including essential deliverables, requirements, and acceptance criteria. All stakeholders will understand the scope using this paper.
• Statement of Work (SOW): A thorough Statement of Work will outline their obligations and deliverables for external contracts and contractors.

Scope Measurement and Verification

The following approaches will be used to assure quality and project scope:
• Quality Checklists: Jane and the project team will use quality checklists to review deliverables against pre-set criteria. These checklists ensure that project results satisfy quality standards.
• Scope Baseline: A scope baseline will document the approved scope statement, WBS, and WBS Dictionary; this baseline will measure project performance and scope variations.
• Work Performance Measurements: They will track progress and project scope. The performance will be measured regularly to prevent scope concerns.
Scope Change Process

Projects change; thus, the following procedure will manage scope changes efficiently:
• Change Initiation: Any stakeholder—team members, clients, or management—can submit a formal change request explaining the intended scope change.
• Change Evaluation: Jane will evaluate the change’s impact on the project’s objectives, timing, budget, and resources with critical stakeholders. The scope baseline will assess the change’s fit with project goals.
• Change Authorization: Jane will request approval from the change control board or project sponsor after evaluation. The change will be approved if it meets the project’s strategic goals and has been carefully considered.
• Change Implementation: After approval, the change will be implemented into the project plan and communicated to affected parties.

Acceptance of Final Project Deliverable and Scope

The project sponsor evaluates the product against the defined scope and acceptance criteria to accept the final project deliverable. The project sponsor will accept the scope and deliverables after validation.

Name Role Responsibilities
Jane Rogers Manager • Managing project scope planning, definition, verification, and control.
• Identifying project requirements, constraints, and assumptions with stakeholders.
Project Team Project Management • Contributing to the Scope Statement by sharing their job area expertise.
• Creating the Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) and WBS Dictionary to define deliverables and tasks accurately and completely.
Stakeholders Project oversight • Clarifying their needs and expectations at the start of the project helps create the Scope Statement.
• Checking and revising the WBS and WBS Dictionary to meet their demands.
Change Control Board Change Management • Stakeholder and project team change requests.
• Assessing project objectives, timeline, money, and resources after proposed revisions.
Acceptance Authority Sponsor • The project sponsor approves the project scope and final deliverables. This person can verify that the given product fulfills scope and acceptance requirements, completing the project’s scope and deliverables.
Table 1.1, Scope Management Roles and Responsibilities


The Jones Accounting Customer Tax Portal project scope definition was detailed and iterative, building on the requirements definition process. After the requirements formulation, the scope definition began to clarify project goals and client demands. The team specified the project and its deliverables using the Requirements Documentation’s functional and non-functional requirements. The Project Charter summarized the project’s goals and approach. It guided stakeholders and aligned the project scope with the firm’s strategic objective. To accurately describe the project and its deliverables, the scope definition process used numerous tools and techniques, particularly expert judgment.


  1. Project Description:
    Jones Accounting’s Customer Tax Portal project seeks to transform clients’ tax information interactions online. Our respected clients will have a secure, user-friendly, real-time interface to access, manage, and examine their financial data, documents, and tax-related information. The Customer Tax Portal uses cutting-edge technology and strict security to improve client happiness and Jones Accounting’s service.
  2. Project Outputs:
    • User Interface (UI) Design: An easy-to-use interface.
    • User Authentication and Security: Strong security to protect client data.
    • Client Document Management System: Securely upload, examine, and download financial documents.
    • Client Support and Communication: A way to quickly answer client questions.
  3. Constraints:
    • Budget: The project must be executed within the approved budget, using cost estimates and allocated resources.
    • Regulatory Compliance: The portal must follow all tax, data protection, and industry norms.
  4. Exclusions
    • Tax Advisory Services: The portal will not offer personalized tax advice or consulting.
    • Accounting Services: The portal will not replace Jones Accounting’s accounting services.
    • Third-Party Integrations: Integration with third-party software beyond needs is out of scope.
  5. Assumptions
    • Client Information: Clients will supply accurate and up-to-date portal registration and access information.
    • Stakeholder Engagement: Key stakeholders will actively participate in project meetings and decision-making.
    • Technological Compatibility: Existing accounting systems will be suitable and adaptable to Customer Tax Portal integration.
  6. Acceptance Criteria
    • Full Compliance: The portal must meet all Requirements Documentation functional and non-functional requirements.
    • Security Standards: The portal’s security must meet industry best practices to protect customer data.
    • User Experience: The portal must be easy to use.
    • Smooth Integration: The portal must integrate with accounting systems and databases.
    • Error-Free Functionality: The portal should be rigorously tested for low errors and smooth operation.


Project Scope Division:
Jones Accounting’s Customer Tax Portal project uses a WBS to break down deliverables. Each level of the WBS hierarchy represents a more detailed component of the project’s scope.
WBS Dictionary:
The WBS Dictionary details each work package. The dictionary includes:
• Work Package Description: A detailed description of the work package’s deliverables, objectives, and responsibilities.
• Associated Deliverables: Linking work package deliverables to the project’s scope.
• Milestones and Deadlines: Estimated start and finish dates, milestones, and deadlines for each work package provide a project timeline.


The Customer Tax Portal project’s scope verification is a systematic and continuing procedure to ensure that deliverables fulfill the initial scope and requirements. Verification will occur throughout the process rather than at the end. The Project Manager, project team, and stakeholders will check and review deliverables against the scope regularly.


Scope control is essential to prevent scope creep and deviations. The project manager and team will monitor progress against the scope baseline. This monitoring method compares actual outputs and outcomes to the Scope Management Plan and authorized Work Breakdown Structure and WBS Dictionary.


Approved by the Project Sponsor:


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