Lang, T. A. (2009). How to write, publish, and present in the Health Sciences: A guide for physicians and laboratory researchers. Philadelphia, PA: ACP.
Taylor, D. B. (2008). A brief guide to reviewing research articles. Writing in the Health Sciences a Comprehensive Guide, 1(1). Reviewing_Research_Articles.pdf
Assignment Instructions:
This assignment asks that you critique a report of original research. Identify a report of original research that has been published in the last five years. The research may be related to your current profession or to a current health science problem you would like to explore.
Read the article carefully considering the following criteria:
Does the article identify the purpose of the study?
Does the purpose relate to the research questions and hypothesis presented in the article?
Does the article describe the research methods in sufficient detail for you to understanding how the methods will yield data allowing a response to the research questions?
Does the presentation of findings align with the methods and respond to the research questions? Does the interpretation of findings seem logical given the data presented?
Does the report offer/include a consideration of the next steps in research on the topic?
Does the article align with Lang (2010) guidelines on writing style?
Write a 3-5 page critique of the report of research based on the criteria presented above. In preparing your critique, you might find Taylor (2008) helpful. However, please note that you are not expected to comment on flaws in methodology (inadequate sample selection or design).
Your report will be evaluated on the basis of your understanding of the article and of the elements essential to a report of original research. It will also be evaluated based on the organization of your ideas within the critique, including whether you provide an introduction, body and conclusion and how individual paragraphs are developed. It will also be evaluated for stylistic considerations including APA format and grammar errors. A grading rubric for this assignment is viewable on the My Grades tab.
Critique of Report of Original Research
This assignment asks that you critique a report of original research.
Identify a report of original research that has been published in the last five
years. The research may be related to your current profession or to a current
health science problem you would like to explore. Read the article carefully
considering the following criteria:
1) Does the article identify the purpose of the study?
2) Does the purpose relate to the research questions and hypothesis presented in
the article?
3) Does the article describe the research methods in sufficient detail for you to
understanding how the methods will yield data allowing a response to the
research questions?
4) Does the presentation of findings align with the methods and respond to the
research questions? Does the interpretation of findings seem logical given the
data presented?
5) Does the report offer/include a consideration of the next steps in research on
the topic?
6) Does the article align with Lang (2010) guidelines on writing style?
Write a 3-5 page critique of the report of research based on the criteria
presented above. In preparing your critique, you might find Taylor (2008)
helpful. However, please note that you are not expected to comment on flaws in
methodology (inadequate sample selection or design).
Your report will be evaluated on the basis of your understanding of the article
and of the elements essential to a report of original research. It will also be
evaluated based on the organization of your ideas within the critique, including
whether you provide an introduction, body and conclusion and how individual
paragraphs are developed. It will also be evaluated for stylistic considerations
including APA format and grammar errors. A Rubric for the assignment is
provided in the Assignments Folder, please review the rubric before you start
the assignment.
Advanced Proficient Competent Introductory Incomplete
6 (60.00%)
- The paper evaluates an original report of research published within the last 5 years. • The analysis addresses the evaluation criteria presented in the assignment description. • The analysis is supported by specific examples from the report of research. • The analysis addresses strengths and weaknesses in the report of original research. • The paper includes recommendations for improvements.
5.3 (53.00%) - The submission accomplishes the content-related criteria at a proficient level.
4.6 (46.00%) - The submission accomplishes the content-related criteria at a competent level.
4 (40.00%) - The submission accomplishes the content-related criteria at an introductory level.
0 (0.00%) - The submission is incomplete in the area of content.
2 (20.00%) - The introduction provides sufficient background on the topic and previews major points. • The introduction contains a thesis. • The conclusion is logical, flows from the body of the paper/presentation and reviews the major points. • The tone is appropriate to the content and assignment. • Transitions between sentences, paragraphs, sections, and slides aid in maintaining the flow of thought in the presentation and in the paper.
1.7 (17.00%) - The submission accomplishes the organization- and development-related criteria at a proficient level.
1.5 (15.00%) - The submission accomplishes the organization- and development-related criteria at a competent level.
1.2 (12.00%) - The submission accomplishes the organization- and development-related criteria at an introductory level.
0 (0.00%) - The submission is incomplete in the area of organization/ development.
2 (20.00%) - The paper, including the title page, reference page, and parenthetical citations following APA guidelines for format. • The paper is laid out with effective use of headings, font styles, and white space. The headings correspond to topics required by the assignment. • Rules of grammar, usage, and punctuation are followed. • Sentences are complete, clear, concise, and varied. • Spelling is correct.
1.7 (17.00%) - The submission accomplishes the grammar-related criteria at a proficient level.
1.5 (15.00%) - The submission accomplishes the grammar-related criteria at a competent level.
1.2 (12.00%) - The submission accomplishes the grammar-related criteria at an introductory level.
0 (0.00%) - The submission is incomplete related to the grammar criteria.
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