Cultural Stereotypes




In this week’s discussion forum, we will be summarizing a published work, and examining different viewpoints regarding the controversial topic of stereotyping. After summarizing the given article, explore differing viewpoints regarding the topic of stereotyping.

Finding a source

Use the EBSCO host link to find the following article:

Lun, J., Sinclair, S., & Cogburn, C. (2009). Cultural stereotypes and the self: A closer examination of implicit self-stereotyping. Basic & Applied Social Psychology, 31(2), 117-127. doi:10.1080/01973530902880340

Summarizing a published work

Your initial post should respond to each of following discussion elements:

Step 1: Summarizing a source

Write a brief summary of the argument presented in the article above. Remember that summaries do not go into great detail. Your summary should have enough information for the reader to understand the focus (thesis) of the article and how the author supports the thesis. Your summary should contain all the following elements:

Introduce the article by its author and title

Explain the author’s argument (what does the author claim and what are the supporting reasons)

What the does article tell us about individuality or identity?

Use in-text citations to identify when you are using the author’s ideas.

Quote a passage that struck you as interesting or enlightening and explain why.

Introduce the quotation carefully with a signal phrase, such as, “Lun, Sinclair, & Cogburn explain that…”, and

Include an in-text citation including a page number to cite your quotation.

Step 2: Examining Different Viewpoints

One of the most interesting things about stereotypes is how they can affect the actions of those who have been stereotyped. Think of a stereotype you’re familiar with.

Which came first, the label or the trait?

How can the things that other people say about us affect who we become?

Step 3: Create a References Page

At the end of your discussion post, create a references page:

Type the word “References”

Enter a line break

Provide the full citation (in APA format) for your selected text.

All discussions will be graded using the



Last week, your written assignment consisted of analyzing a source. This week, you will summarize a source. These two skills are useful in different situations. Both will be necessary as you work on your researched argument paper for this course. You may even discover that you will use these skills in your personal and professional life as well.

Remember that the purpose of this summary is to present the information from the reading in condensed form; your paper should be objective.

  • Do not include personal opinion, personal judgments of the material, or personal narrative.
  • Be brief, be as accurate as you can, and try to capture the complete sense of the reading in your summary.

Step 1:

Use the Ebscohost link to search for the following article:

Friedman, T. L., & Mandelbaum, M. (2011). America really was that great (but that doesn’tmean we are now). Foreign Policy, (189), 76-78.

As you read the article, it may be helpful to take notes, or create an outline of the text.

Step 2:

Write a summary of the article. Your summary should meet the following guidelines:

  • Is between 150 and 250 words(no longer)
  • Includes direct quotations and paraphrased passages from the text which are cited in APA in-text citation style
  • Uses attributive tags that but establishes him or her as an authority in the field of study
  • Avoids personal opinion
  • Is written clearly, concisely, and accurately
  • Is written solely in third-person
  • Includes an APA style References page
  • Has been closely edited so that it contains few or no mechanical errors

Step 3:

Summary Exercise Checklist

Use these questions to evaluate your essay against the assignment requirements:

  • Does this summary meet the assignment criteria?
  • Does your summary present the main ideas in the original article?
  • Does this summary use effective transitions as it progresses from sentence to sentence?
  • Does this summary avoid personal opinion, casual language, or first or second person language?
  • Is there anything in this summary that could have been left out without losing its effect?
  • Is the summary effective? Does information need to be added or deleted to complete the assignment?

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