Cross-functional Collaboration


In this project, you will demonstrate your mastery of the following competency:

  • Support cross-functional collaboration by evaluating organizational structure


You are the assistant office manager at the new Mendingville Urgent Care, which is part of the Mendingville Health System. Your manager, Karen Foreham, wants to make sure that the organizational structure of the facility fosters cross-functional collaboration and teamwork from the beginning. To that end, Ms. Foreham has presented you with a list of organizational structures that have been successful at other urgent care facilities in the area. She asked you to review the list, research the structures, and provide your recommendation for the organizational structure, either from the list or from your personal knowledge and research, that you believe would best support cross-functional collaboration and teamwork within the clinic. She would like you to provide an evidence-based justification for your choice and a description of the corresponding teamwork and collaboration strategies, policies, or procedures that should be implemented as a result of the recommended organizational structure.


Ms. Foreham has emphasized the importance of choosing the most appropriate organizational structure for the facility. After reviewing her list and researching the various organizational structures, you will submit a 500- to 700-word written recommendation.

  1. Research the following organizational structures:
    • Functional
    • Hierarchy
    • Divisional
    • Matrix
    • Flatarchy
  2. Recommend an organizational structure. You must identify the organizational structure you are recommending and address the following questions:
    • What are the key components of the organizational structure you are recommending? Which components influenced your decision, and why?
    • How does the organizational structure support cross-functional collaboration and teamwork?
    • What are the roles of key personnel within the organizational structure in supporting cross-functional collaboration?
  3. Identify the strategies, policies, or procedures that should be implemented as a result of the recommended organizational structure.
    • What key strategies, policies, or procedures should you implement based on your recommendation?
    • How will the strategies, policies, or procedures impact teamwork or collaboration? (Address expected improvements, as well as the implications or consequences of not following the strategies, policies, or procedures.)

What to Submit

Every project has a deliverable or deliverables, which are the files that must be submitted before your project can be assessed. For this project, you must submit the following:

Organizational Structure Recommendation
You will submit a written recommendation for an organizational structure and the strategies, policies, or procedures that will support cross-functional collaboration and teamwork within your facility. Your recommendation must be 500-700 words.

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